Not everything in the Xbox camper set is suitable for the outdoors

Xbox has released a collection of camping clothing and accessories. No, it is not a video game of this type Esports organization 100 thieves swipe with Her own clothing line Microsoft, in fact Go out and touch the grass. The camper’s collection includes an assortment of shorts, T-shirts and headgear, along with things like a hammock and camping chair.

Since most people don’t usually associate playing with being outdoors, some of the items in the lineup actually look good. The Xbox camp chair looks like a reproduction of the design for which it is famous Helinox Zero Chair (To be fair, as well Nice Many All else camp chair), but electric green and twice as heavy. Since it’s so much cheaper than Helinox, it’s hard to complain about the weight.

Left: Helinox Zero chair. Right: Upside-down image of the Xbox Camper foldable chair. Helinox introduced the basic design of its chair around 2012.
Image: Helinox Image: Microsoft

swing It also looks good – again, people who count every ounce probably don’t want it, but it seems perfectly adequate for paddling between two trees at the campsite. And while I love that Microsoft is trying to get people to drink more water with this Nalgene water bottleI wish it hadn’t shipped Double Regular retail price Because now that its very cool topographical brand has been slapped.

as a outdoorsy person myselfI’m not sure, though, that Microsoft’s “cart” marketing is consistent with how some of these products are actually made. She says that her shirtsAnd the hatsAnd the jackets Intended for “exploring the great outdoors,” but they’re made from 80 to 90 percent cotton, depending on their specifications. If you’ve ever been within walking distance of a REI site or other third-party store, you might realize that this is somewhat of a problem – the phrase “Cotton kills“One of the most cited tips in the hiking and camping community.

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And to be clear, it’s an overly dramatic mantra. Cotton clothing has been linked to quite a few deaths from exposure over the years, but it’s not like you’ll die instantly if you step foot on a trail wearing This is Heather ABXY tee. However, if you get stuck in bad weather, you may have a real problem with your hands – cotton doesn’t keep you warm when it gets wet. To make matters worse, it dries very slowly, so even if the rain stops, your covered T-shirt can keep you warm. And although that will only kill you if you are in a very remote area, In the words of Sans Undertale, “You’re going to have a bad time.” Also: moisture does not necessarily come from precipitation. I’ve been through a lot of hiking where a cotton T-shirt soaked up all my sweat and then proceeded to cool me to the bone as soon as I hit a shaded section of the trail.

Does this person seem to be enjoying their time outdoors?
Photo: Microsoft

I don’t want to overstate the danger here. You don’t need a fleece shirt or fancy sports fabrics for hiking; You will have a much more enjoyable experience if you do this. (For the prices Microsoft charges for these shirts, you can definitely get a great hiking shirt if you’re going to be spending a lot of time outdoors.) Oddly enough, though, is that other clothing pieces in Microsoft’s collection, such as This is a nylon windbreaker or These are nylon pants Made of a material suitable for hiking.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t buy any of this gear – I’ll admit that the Xbox-y’s outdoor styles look pretty cool. But if you choose to add it to a file Microsoft Clothes Collect, maybe leave the T-shirts at home on your next camping trip, unless your definition of the term “camping” is sitting near a spawn point in Call of duty. You are a monster.

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