It looks like more than 40 minutes of Diablo 4 gameplay has been leaked

It appears that over 40 minutes of Diablo IV footage has been shared online.

It was also spotted and shared by Reddit user iV1rus0the footage consists of two clips, one of 5 minutes and the other of 38 minutes.

It is not yet clear who leaked the footage and why it was shared, but the discussion that can be heard in the short video suggests that whoever recorded the footage was not the one playing the game.

Instead, it appears that the player was streaming his footage online – most likely via Discord – and others were watching it.

Diablo IV: Demonstrating Gameplay for Developers

The video has several “Create Private Quiz” watermarks along with an ID number which probably makes it easier Blizzard Determine who broadcast the footage and take action accordingly.

While it is not clear how the person gained access to the game, one theory being shared is that it may be linked to Alpha testing “Friends and Family” that was ongoing since last month. As such, the streaming device may be associated with a Blizzard employee.

What is clear, however, is that the footage that is now being leaked was recorded by someone else watching them play.

When the shorter video clip begins, a person (whose voice is distorted) can be heard asking another person: “Are you watching Skye now? Watching Skye now.”

“Why are we watching Sky? What is he playing?” asks the second person, who then realizes what is being broadcast. “This is not Diablo IV,” they say in apparent disbelief.

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The first person answers: “It is.”

Embedded video from Files.Fm

As the footage continues to play, it becomes clear that the people watching the video do not know the streaming device. One viewer asks “Who is this person,” while another replies: “I don’t know, but I’ve been watching it for a while.”

“So, was this a coordinator or did he just jump in here and start broadcasting this?” One viewer asks.

The other replies: “I just jumped.”

This is the second apparent major game leak in 24 hours, after the massive Sunday Grand Theft Auto 6 leaked. However, the main difference is that Blizzard has already shown screenshots of Diablo IV in the past, while GTA 6 was not previously visible.

Snapshots from Diablo 4Alpha family and friends Also shared last month before removing it. However, these screenshots only showed character customization, game creation, and a difficulty setting screen, rather than the actual gameplay.