Portugal’s Antonio Costa has been appointed as the next President of the European Council

This is a revenge against former Prime Minister of Portugal (2015-2023) Antonio Costa. European leaders and governments chose to appoint a socialist leader as president of the European Council on Thursday, June 27. At 62, his moderate profile, combining the classic values ​​of social democracy and an orthodox approach to economics, managed to convince twenty-seven people.

Nothing was successful until ten days ago. “Of course, [Antonio Costa] Skilled. But we need to clarify the legal context.”On June 17, Polish Prime Minister (EPP, right) launched Donald Tusk, referring to the legal setbacks that will prevent Mr. Costa was forced to resign.

However, the matter was dropped for several weeks and was not an obstacle to the appointment of the Portuguese. Of course, Mr. Costa’s chief of staff, Vitor Escaria, the ex-prime minister’s best friend, businessman Diogo Lacerda Machado, former infrastructure minister Joao Calamba and six others have been charged with influence peddling in connection with the tender calls. A data center, lithium mining exploration and a green hydrogen production center. But possible corruption and abuse of power have been ruled out.

read more: The article is reserved for our subscribers In Portugal, Prime Minister Antonio Costa resigned over a corruption scandal

After all, eight months ago the public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation against Antonio Costa. “Respect for the dignity of his activities” But the “Conscience Clear” Although he had two years left in his mandate and a solid absolute socialist majority in the assembly, his impeachment did not result. Worse, he was heavily criticized by the trial judge and the Lisbon Court of Appeal“Serious Clues”. Its political consequences are grave. Early elections organized following the victory of Luis Montenegro’s Social Democratic Party (PSD, center right) led to the end of Costa’s eight-year government.

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Pressure from the Christian Democrats

By expressing doubts about the appointment of Antonio Costa on June 17, the EPP’s Christian Democrats wanted to raise the stakes in the negotiations on the European “top jobs” (presidents, presidents of the Commission and the Council) mainly among the twenty-seven. European Diplomacy). The EPP, which is the leading political force in Europe – it has twelve heads of state or government at the Council table and won seats in the European Parliament following the June 9 elections, unlike the Social Democrats (S&D) and the Liberals of Renewal – planned for the first half of the Commission, under the leadership of Ursula van der Leyen and the European Parliament. Tried to be more than that.

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