Russia says it has captured a village in the Donetsk region

Update on the situation – The Russian Defense Ministry said its troops had liberated the “village of Rostolivka”, located 20 kilometers northeast of Pakmut.

Moscow accuses US drones of increasing danger “Direct Confrontation” Between NATO and the Russian Federation, a fire at a Russian oil depot after a Ukrainian strike has finally been brought under control. Also, the supply of ammunition to the Ukrainian military is improving. Russian bombing in the east of the country has killed four civilians and Russia says it has captured a village in the Donetsk region. Le Figaro Friday, June 28 takes up events related to the war in Ukraine.

Russia claims to have captured village in Donetsk region

Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Friday it captured the village of Rostolyvka in the Donetsk (East) region of Ukraine, where its soldiers are advancing against Kiev troops. The ministry said in a statement that its troops had liberated the village of Rostolivka, about 20 kilometers northeast of Pakmut, which Russia captured last year.

US drones in Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with “direct confrontation”

Russia threatened Westerners on Friday “Direct Confrontation”due to “Intensification” Flights of US military drones over the Black Sea off the coast of Ukraine came days after the first threats aimed at Washington following a strike on annexed Crimea. Moscow believes that aid to Kyiv, in terms of weapons, intelligence gathering and identification of targets in Russian territory, has made the US and its allies vulnerable to the conflict in Ukraine, which the Kremlin escalated in February 2022 with the launch of its forces. will attack its neighbours.

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US drone flights in the Black Sea “Increase the likelihood of incidents in airspace with aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, which increases the risk of direct conflict between the Alliance and the Russian Federation”A press release condemned the Russian Defense Ministry. “NATO countries must take responsibility”He warned that the Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov ordered the public servants “To take swift action to respond to provocations”. Because, according to the Russian Ministry, American drones are being used “Reconnaissance and target designation for precision weapons supplied to the Ukrainian Armed Forces” By Westerners.

After long reluctance, for fear of provoking an escalation, the Americans and Europeans in recent weeks have begun to authorize strikes with Western precision weapons on Russian territory to destroy bombing sites and systems in Ukraine, under conditions.

Russian oil depot catches fire after Ukrainian drone strike

Russian officials said on Friday they extinguished a fire caused by a Ukrainian drone strike at a Russian oil depot belonging to the Trushba pipeline network linking Russia to Europe. Russia’s Tambov regional government said the reservoir is located at the Nikolskoye station, about 500 km from the Ukrainian border. “The fire caused by the drone attack (…) has been extinguished. Cooling of the reservoir is in progress.He mentioned on his Telegram account.

A fire broke out at an oil depot in Russia’s Tambov region on Friday morning. “At 04:35 (01:35 GMT) in Michurinsky Municipal District, Tambov Region, a drone flight towards an oil depot was recorded”Regional Governor Maxim Egorov pointed out in a press release published on Telegram. “Then there was a small fire”He said no “There was no casualty.” After this attack.

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The Russian Defense Ministry, as usual, did not report this attack on energy infrastructure, but said “Blocked” 25 Ukrainian explosive drones over its border at night. For his part, the governor of the Bryansk region, Aleksandre Pokomas, noted in Telegram that a drone was shot down, but its fall “Roof of administration building damaged” This area borders Ukraine.

Supply of military ammunition
Ukraine is improving

After months of severe shortages, supplies of Western munitions, particularly artillery shells, are being rushed forward into Ukraine, where supplies have improved significantly in recent weeks, several sources in the Ukrainian military told AFP. Questioned by AFP, the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and representatives of three brigades serving in the Donetsk region on the eastern front confirmed an increase in supplies compared to the beginning of the year.

“It has improved over the last month or so and it continues to improve, at least as far as the 155-millimeter cannon is concerned.”, a Ukrainian sergeant with the name De Guer Luntyk told AFP. During the first quarter, ammunition in his unit was strictly rationed “Six shells per cannon for 24 hours”Today the limit has been increased “Up to 40 per day”, explained the soldier. In hot spots like the Kharkiv region, Russia launched a new large-scale unsuccessful ground offensive in early May. “No Limits”he added.

Regarding the region, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that although the situation is difficult, progress is being made. “Our forces stabilized the situation and stopped the attack” The Russian, he said Friday, believed it too “The Invader Failed”. Highly dependent on Western aid in the face of a more powerful adversary, the Ukrainian military has been greatly weakened by a significant delay in US and European military aid from late 2023. The US Congress voted a $61 billion package for Ukraine in late April, but it will take weeks, even months, to deliver weapons to the battlefield.

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The gap between the number of Ukrainian and Russian shots is decreasing

New deliveries do not yet match 2023, “When there was more of everything,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lountik is rated. “It’s gotten a lot better.”A gunner working in another regiment in the same region confirmed. “For a war of this intensity, there will always be more”, qualified his colleague from the third squadron. According to him, “The enemy unfortunately still retains advantages in manpower and artillery systems”. Lountik confirms: “If we destroy 5-7 (Russian) artillery systems in one day, they will be replaced the next day”.

According to a source within the Ukrainian military general staff, the gap between the number of Ukrainian and Russian shots has been significantly reduced, thanks to the arrival of new Western supplies, to the advantage of Kyiv. “To date, the use ratio of explosives is 1 to 3” Against Ukraine and Russia respectively “1 to 7” Previously, this evidence was confirmed. “Delivery has increased with us and decreased with the Russians.”

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