‘Avatar 3’ and ‘Avatar 4’ Scenes Were Filmed to Avoid ‘Stranger Things’ Trouble, Director James Cameron Reveals Deadline

Such as Avatar: Water Road still explodes around the world, James Cameron He indicated that he plans the game far into the future.

said writer and director Cameron Entertainment Weekly He filmed scenes from Proposal Avatar 3 And the Avatar 4 In conjunction with the recently released sequel. He did this to avoid aging the younger cast members, and bring on Netflix Weird things As an example of the time he walks problem.

the water method It introduces Tuk (Trinity Jo-Li Bliss, who was 7 when he was cast and is now 13) and Spider (Jack Champion, who was 12 when he was cast, but is now 18). Because Champion was “growing like a weed,” Cameron said, the second, third, and first act of the fourth film had to be done in a single production.

Otherwise, you get — and I love Weird things– But you got Weird things Impact, as they are supposed to still be in high school [but] “They look like 27,” said Cameron. “You know, I love the show. It’s okay, we’ll stop the disbelief. We love the characters. But you know.”

Producer Jon Landau also revealed in the same article that the upcoming films will feature new biomes. “Each film will introduce audiences to new clans and new cultures on Pandora,” Landau said. “Once we introduce a character, it remains part of the ongoing development. We are just adding to it so you can expect to see the Metkayina that you meet in this movie in the subsequent movies. There are other clans that we will introduce in movie 3 that you will see in movie 4 and so on.”

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so far, Avatar: Water Road It grossed $168 million domestically and over $500 million worldwide.

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