How Democrats Are Trying to Minimize the Damage – Liberation


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The US president will gather around his family at Camp David from Sunday June 30 and into Tuesday to “discuss the future of his campaign”. After Thursday evening’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump, Democrats are scrambling for reassurance.

From one point of detail in his agenda, a prelude to innocuous, speculation began. Along with his wife, US President Joe Biden met his children and grandchildren at Camp David on Saturday evening, where he will stay until Tuesday. After a disastrous debate that pitted him against Donald Trump, portraying him as old, vague and mostly irrelevant, Biden should take advantage of his stay at the US president’s vacation home in Maryland. “Consult with his family about the future of his re-election campaign”, NBC News said early Sunday morning. In the article, anonymous Democratic sources believe that “Only the President, in consultation with his family, can decide whether to move forward with his campaign or end it prematurely”. Especially a President who is used to taking only the advice of his clan. Biden’s campaign immediately dismissed the possibility that he would throw in the towel, recalling that his stay at Camp David had been planned for a long time. And to emphasize during the upcoming presidential election in November, “Joe Biden Will Be the Democratic Nominee.”

“Tell them apart”

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