Earth’s surface heat from the inside – how did it stay that way for billions of years?

The slice you see cut from the ground reveals its core, shown here in bright yellow.…

Watch the last time the powerful Ariane 5 rocket was launched in Europe on July 5 after delays

Europe’s workhorse, the Ariane 5 rocket, will launch for the last time on Wednesday (July 5),…

Direct imaging of Jupiter’s younger brother

by W.M. Keck Observatory July 3, 2023 Using the W.M. Keck Observatory, a team of astronomers…

Why are so many moons of Saturn being discovered now

“If you look at the four bright moons of Jupiter, the Galilean satellites, they are called…

Mars helicopter home after 63 days of silence • The record

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter called home, more than 60 days after the last call. The Chinese…

NASA’s innovative Mars Helicopter finally calls home

NASA’s Mars Ingenuity Helicopter completed its 52nd successful flight on April 26, despite communication challenges resulting…

Ghost-like astronomical messengers reveal a new view of the Milky Way

Artist’s composition of the Milky Way seen with a neutrino lens (blue). Credit: IceCube Collaboration /…

A Yale study links positive attitudes to cognitive recovery

A new study found that older individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were 30% more likely…

Live video: SpaceX launches Euclid telescope to study the dark universe

The European Space Agency’s Euclid spacecraft is set to sail on its mission to chart the…

Saturn’s rings steal the show in a new image from the Webb Telescope – Ars Technica

Zoom in / The stars of Saturn are seen in this near-infrared image taken on June…