The lunar scientist said that China will land astronauts on the moon by 2030

China is sure to put boots on the moon within the next seven years, according to…

Discover a unique fossil site in Wales that reveals early life

(CNN) Well-preserved fossils of tiny worms, starfish, sponges, barnacles and other unparalleled creatures in a quarry…

A rare planet has been found twice the size of Earth that could be completely covered by an ocean

A rare planet has been discovered hundreds of light-years away, and it could be key to…

NASA has found a new way to keep the Voyager 2 spacecraft going

NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft will be able to continue operations for many years longer than expected…

Scientists are exploring new options for farming on Mars

An artist’s conception of a mobile Mars greenhouse is currently being developed at NASA. The space…

Physicists discover a strange new theoretical stage for hydrogen: ScienceAlert

By teaching a machine to learn some quantum tricks, physicists have discovered a strange new phase…

China’s Zhurong Mars Rover finds evidence of water in Mars’ sand dunes

A selfie taken by the Zhurong rover next to its landing pad, captured with a wireless…

Back then, baby galaxies. Next, a supermassive galaxy cluster?

Like basketball explorers spotting a lithe, tall teenager, astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope recently…

NASA reveals the secret behind ultraluminous X-ray sources

In this illustration of an extremely bright X-ray source, two rivers of hot gas are being…

SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket with two Internet satellites O3b – Spaceflight Now

Watch our live replay of the countdown and launch of the Falcon 9 rocket with two…