NASA’s 38-year-old science satellite falls safely to Earth

NASA agency 38 years old, a satellite died He returned to Earth without incident. The Ministry…

Stunning images of the brilliant green comet C/2022 E3 (ZFT). showroom

(Image credit: John Chumack/ the Comet C / 2022 E3 (ZFT) It can make a great…

The James Webb Space Telescope looks out into the early universe, seeing galaxies like our own Milky Way

This simulation shows how stellar rods (left) and rod-driven gas flows (right) form. Stellar bars play…

The Hubble Space Telescope captures a stunning view of the nearby star cluster

A dazzling new image from the Hubble Space Telescope captures a stunning view of a nearby…

The green comet passed Earth for the first time since the Stone Age

A green comet called C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is approaching Earth, according to NASA. The comet last…

The James Webb Telescope reveals forbidden galaxies billions of years ago

For the first time, new photos from James Webb Space Telescope The star-barred galaxies were revealed…

Can humans use black holes to travel through time?

Black holes are natural time machines that allow travel to the past and the future. But…

The James Webb Space Telescope detects Milky Way-like galaxies lurking in the early universe

NASA agency James Webb Space Telescope Came with the goods again. Pictures released by the space…

The Perseverance rover marks the first Martian year on the Red Planet

NASA’s Mars Orbiter concludes its main mission on the Red Planet. car size Rover Perseverance It…

A study has found that there is more than one way to mummify a dinosaur

Edmontosaurus .”/> Zoom in / Reconstruct life in full color for Edmontosaurus. There is rarely time…