Baby Island appears in the Pacific Ocean after the eruption of an underwater volcano

A new children’s island has appeared in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, where underwater volcanoes are scattered.…

Stunning NASA James Webb Telescope image reveals Neptune’s minute rings

When we imagine a world embraced by cosmic auras, we usually imagine Saturn. One might even…

Mars Is Already Shattered: Humans Left Over 15,000 Pounds of Debris on the Red Planet

Humans have left more than 15,000 pounds of trash on Mars in the past 50 years…

Volcano eruption in Tonga could temporarily raise global temperature

New York – when is Undersea volcano erupts in Tonga In January, its water eruption was…

Scientists baffled by mysterious cyclones at Jupiter’s poles

The massive polygon-shaped cyclone systems at the north and south poles of Jupiter have left scientists…

Incredible New Web Telescope Image of Neptune Captures Episode Details

A near-infrared webcam (NIRCam) image of Neptune, taken on July 12, 2022, brings the planet’s rings…

NASA’s Artemis 1 lunar rocket has passed a critical refueling test

NASA’s Artemis 1 lunar rocket passed an important refueling test on Wednesday (September 21), potentially keeping…

Scientists discover an invisible phenomenon

This discovery is a step towards accessible superconductivity. With more knowledge of the relationship between spin…

The reusable ‘SUZY’ spacecraft could launch European space missions

The rocket launch company ArianeGroup plans to bring astronauts into space aboard ‘Susie’. The European rocket…

The problem was discovered on the James Webb Space Telescope – MIRI Anomaly

James Webb Space Telescope MIRI Spectroscopy: The beam of light coming from the telescope is then…