The grand summit supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity

Comment on the photo, Zelensky wants to present the summit proposals to Russia

  • author, Robert Greenall
  • Role, BBC News

The Ukraine Peace Summit held in Switzerland concluded with the commitment of dozens of countries to the integrity of their territories.

They adopted a final document that blames Russia for widespread suffering and destruction in the war, which Kiev considers a success.

But many countries including India, South Africa and Saudi Arabia have not signed it.

The summit aims to create the broadest possible support for a process that could help end the war in Ukraine.

The summit was attended by more than 90 countries and international organizations.

Russia was not invited, and China, its biggest backer, was not present, leading some to question the effectiveness of the summit.

Some of those gathered in the Swiss resort of Burgenstock were not Ukraine’s closest supporters, including Saudi Arabia, whose foreign minister warned that Ukraine would have to make difficult concessions, and Kenya, which has publicly objected to recent sanctions on Russia.

The final document calls for the restoration of Ukrainian control over the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and the country’s ports on the Sea of ​​Azov, all of which are currently occupied by Russia.

The resolution also refers to the Russian invasion as a “war,” a description Moscow rejected.

Humanitarian issues such as the return of prisoners and kidnapped children were also discussed.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said those attending were united in their pursuit of peace in Ukraine.

“We all know that we are only at the beginning, the beginning of the path towards peace,” he said.

“And although some of us around this table have different opinions about how to achieve peace in Ukraine, let there be no mistake… We are completely united in a shared vision on principles, values ​​and decency.

“You don’t invade another country. You don’t kidnap children. You don’t play politics with the world’s food supply. And you don’t jeopardize nuclear safety.”

All delegations were expected to support a final statement condemning the Russian invasion, but Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer told reporters on Sunday that the declaration would not be supported unanimously.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday that the results of the Swiss summit would be reported to Moscow “so that at the second peace summit we can determine the true end of the war.”

Russia described the Swiss event as a waste of time, and President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that he would agree to a ceasefire if Ukraine withdraws its forces from four regions that Russia partially occupies and claims to have annexed.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni described the matter as “propaganda,” and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak accused Putin of “weaving a false narrative about his willingness to negotiate.”

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