A Spanish athlete spent 500 days alone in a cave for a scientific experiment

His stay in a cave in Andalusia aimed to assess the physical and mental impact of total isolation and the long-term loss of temporal identities.

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Spanish Beatrice Flamini emerges from her cave near Motril, Andalusia, Spain, where she spent 500 days, on April 14, 2023.  (Jorge Guerrero/AFP)

She saw the light again. Beatriz Flamini, a 50-year-old Spanish athlete, returned to the open air on Friday morning, April 14, after spending a total of 500 days in two stages in a natural cave cut off from the world at 70 meters. meter. He descended into the pit, located about 10 km from the small town of Motril, in the south of Andalusia, on November 21, 2021, and rose to the surface with the help of speleologists, a total of 508 days and ascent, excluding two days of descent.

According to several Spanish media, including the daily El Pies, before going back into this cave, she had to interrupt this experience and go to the surface for about a week for reasons related to her safety. She admitted that she had reconnected, saying that she had spent this period alone. His stay in this cave in the Andalusian Sierra was part of a scientific experiment to assess the physical and mental impact of total isolation and the long-term loss of temporary identities.

“Demonstration of Radical Resistance”

He explained at a press conference after his release that he had only books, artificial light and cameras to record his experience, but no phone or device to record the experience. “There are many such challenges, but none with all these characteristics: alone and completely isolated, without contact with the outside, without (natural) light, without reference to time.”David Reyes, member of the Andalusian Speleology Federation responsible for the athlete’s safety, commented.

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Spanish Tourism Minister Hector Gomez praised the athlete’s performance in an interview with Public Television (TVE). “Demonstration of Radical Resistance”.

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