Ahead of an EU-Ukraine summit in Kew, Brussels announces €500 million in new military aid

The next president of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, has called for support for Ukraine

The President-elect of the Czech Republic offers his full support to Ukraine. Mr Pavel, a former Czech army chief who headed NATO’s military council from 2015 to 2018, won Saturday’s presidential election and will take office on March 9. In an interview with Agence France-Presse (AFP), the 61-year-old Mr. Pavel said the West should supply Ukraine with all types of weapons except nuclear weapons.

“As for conventional weapons, I don’t see any reason to set limits. Ukraine cannot fight such a fierce enemy without armor, drones, artillery and long-range missiles and perhaps supersonic aircraft. »

Western allies, including the Czech Republic, have provided substantial military aid to Ukraine since the invasion began on February 24, 2022. More courage is needed, according to Mr Powell. “Some countries have a somewhat marginalized status.” In modern arms distribution. “If we want to take a unique position that gives us the best chance for success, we must act in unison on these issues.”He says, referring to Poland’s proposal to send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine if NATO fully supports the initiative.

Mr Pavel supports Ukraine’s candidacy for EU and NATO membership once the war ends. “If we perceive NATO and the European Union as an area of ​​stability, cooperation, harmony, we should allow another major European country to join us.”Mr. Pavel said. “Not only does he deserve to join, but we will also benefit if Russia can restore normal relations with the West again.” » According to him, only Ukraine’s membership in NATO“a matter of political will” After the war. “In terms of values, long-term strategic interests, technical cooperation between NATO and the Ukrainian military, I think that Ukraine has already met the conditions. »

Further, “When it comes to a drawn-out conflict and the last phase of this truly hot war, Ukraine and its military will be the most experienced, best-prepared military in Europe.”, Mr. Pavel added. According to him, the war must end with Russia’s withdrawal, peace talks, restructuring of Ukraine and war crimes trials. “We need to bring Russia to this, not only by continuing to support Ukraine, but also by being very strict in enforcing sanctions against Russia.”He explained. “This is the only way to understand that Russia acted against the norms and in the 21 civilized world.e century, even a large country like Russia cannot ignore the standards of the world community. »

The Czech Republic, a European Union and NATO member of 10.5 million people, has so far provided $217 million worth of military aid to Ukraine, the Defense Ministry told AFP on Thursday.

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read more: Czech Republic: Pro-European Peter Pavel elected president

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