Appointed Ministerial Representative for the Choir cause to the new German government

This is the first time in Germany. The The new government of Olaf Scholz, Which unites social democrats, liberals and ecologists Won in December Angela Merkel announced on Wednesday, January 5, the appointment of a ministerial representative for bizarre reasons, to the Conservatives.

Sven Lehmann, 42, vice-president of the Environment, has already been a spokesman since 2018 on this bizarre issue at the Environment Parliamentary Committee in Bundestock. Anglo-Saxon word Strange Includes all gender and gender identities that differ from gender.

Guaranteed rights in the Constitution

Mr. Lehman is now in charge of production «Project National Germany should be allowed “Become a pioneer in the fight against discrimination” Sex and gender issues, the Ministry of Family said. “The protection of the people on the basis of gender and gender identity should be guaranteed in the Basic Law”, The German constitution, said the new ministerial representative after his appointment.

The renewal of the Bundestock at the end of September was marked by greater diversity within the lower house of parliament, especially with the election of two transgender people, Tessa Cancer and Nike Slavic.

On a map: Display the political changes that have taken place in Bundestag since 1949

World with AFP

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