Between the threat of prison and an accounting lesson, Donald Trump had a painful day at his trial

Interest in accounting. This activity stirs fewer newspaper headlines than sexual and political scandals. However, it forms the backbone of an ongoing trial in New York in which Donald Trump is the only defendant. The government must prove that X is guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a $130,000 (€120,000) payment to actress Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about her one-night stand with the former American. President. On Monday, May 6, twelve jurors were summoned for a long and arduous trial on the Trump Organization’s financial management, both pyramid and family.

The two witnesses of the day are employees of the group, which also pays for their legal representation. Former comptroller Jeffrey McCartney was questioned at length about the monthly reimbursements he was given in 2017 to Michael Cohen, who was a lawyer for candidate Donald Trump. It was Michael Cohen, the most anticipated witness in the trial, who became an endless subject of teasing as the days went by—just days before the November 2016 presidential election, Stormy offered Daniels money—a scandal that must be avoided at all costs.

In January, after Donald Trump took office, monthly repayments were arranged: twelve payments of $35,000 for 2017, or a total of $420,000. This amount includes taxes payable and bonus. Jeffrey McEnany confirmed the round at the behest of Alan Weiselberg, the Trump Organization’s finance director. Unfortunately, the latter is serving a five-month prison sentence and is unable to appear.

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In a hushed and spare voice, Deborah Tarasoff, one of the Trump Organization’s chief accounting officers, gave her absolutely truthful testimony. A woman in her seventies who was somewhat impressed confirmed the nature and origin of the incriminating documents, specifically the checks signed by Donald Trump.

Only the latter kept his signature on the checks issued from his personal account. After he moved to the White House, the documents had to be sent to him by FedEx for his signature. At the accounting level, Deborah Tarasoff is asked to record these costs “Legal Counsel Expenses”. This is the heart of the case, the demonstration.

A still, quiet Donald Trump, suddenly small

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