CIA Chief Says China Plans to Supply Arms to Russia

The head of the US intelligence community made it clear in an interview with CBS on Sunday that he had no evidence that a decision was made by Beijing.

Via Le Figaro with AFP

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William Burns on February 2, 2023 in Washington. Alex Wong/AFP

America”believedChina is considering supplying weapons to Russia in its war in Ukraine, although they say no decision has been made, increasing pressure on Beijing and warning it not to cross that red line.

We strongly believe that Chinese leaders are planning to deliver dangerous goodsto Russia, CIA Director William Burns said in a rare CBS interview that aired Sunday. But the director of the US intelligence agency added.We don’t see a final decision being made“and”We do not see any evidence that they have providedArms to Russia.

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“Prowler” drone factory

The United States has been on a major diplomatic offensive for a week, warning China against dangerous military support for Russia, which experts say could change the conflict, which has entered its second year and remains unresolved. Beijing has vehemently denied the allegations.

According to press reports included Wall Street Journal And the NBC channel, citing unidentified officials, specifically said China should provide drones and ammunition. A Chinese company plans to start manufacturing dronesPredatorsOn behalf of the Russian military for possible use to attack targets in Ukraine, the German weekly said Friday. Der Spiegel.

“Read more – Gilles Keppel: “One year later, the war in Ukraine is destabilizing the Middle East”

US foreign policy chief Antony Blinken expressed these fears directly to the most senior Chinese diplomat, Wang Yi, during a tense meeting on the sidelines of a security conference in Munich last Saturday. The latter was received in the Kremlin in the middle of last week, underscoring the privileged relations between Moscow and its Chinese allies. According to Washington, China already supplies Russia with non-lethal goods via Chinese companies.

To drive home the point further, White House National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan confirmed on television sets on Sunday that the US would continue to remain in the vicinity.with vigilanceHe reiterated Washington’s warning to Beijing against “regarding this.”consequencesSuch arms distribution. “We will continue to send a firm message that sending military aid to Russia at this time (…) is a big mistake and China should not participate in it.“, he said on CNN.

want Further – War in Ukraine: Putin believes NATO is participating in the conflict by supplying weapons

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“It’s not a threat.”

According to him, the war in Ukraine poses “Serious complicationsto the Chinese, but if Beijing decides to supply arms to Moscow, it “Actual costs“For her. Washington refuses to describe what these are.”ExpensesBut the Chinese economy has a wide range of obstacles capable of hitting it.

In an interview with ABC on Friday, President Joe Biden noted that he had a conversation on the matter with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, to discuss the consequences of such support, recalling that the war in Ukraine has led to the withdrawal of many companies. In Russia. “This is not a threatBut he told the Chinese president one truth.

“Read more – War in Ukraine: China calls for ‘peace’, closes ranks with Russia

During a virtual summit on Friday, G7 leaders also threatened “Heavy costs» Countries coming to Russia’s aid to avoid Western sanctions. The battle is a delicate one for Beijing because of its strong diplomatic and economic ties with Moscow, coordinated by a common interest in balancing Washington.

China has not yet taken a stand on Russia’s invasion. He presented a 12-point document on Friday in which he urges the two belligerents to negotiate, insist on respecting territorial integrity and oppose the use of nuclear weapons.

Taiwan tomorrow»

From Washington’s point of view, Beijing is trying to play it this way.”Two tables», a balancing act that is difficult to maintain. As for Republican opposition to President Biden, it is also concerned about possible Chinese aid to Russia, which has Taiwan in its sights, whose sovereignty Beijing claims.

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Today it may be Ukraine but tomorrow it will be Taiwan. That’s why it’s so important“, assesses Michael McCaul, the Republican chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives, on the ABC channel.

want Further – Taiwan announces to “strengthen military exchanges” with US

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