Egypt: Swimmer dies after being attacked by shark

A shark attacked a tourist while swimming in the Red Sea in Egypt. Shocked onlookers tried to dispose of the animal. The victim died shortly after the attack.

On Friday, July 1, onlookers at the seaside resort of Sal Hasheesh near Hurghada, Egypt, witnessed a horrifying scene. A 68-year-old Austrian tourist was attacked by a shark while swimming in the Red Sea. She bit a leg and an arm.

In a video posted on social media, a swimmer is seen struggling to reach the shore amid blood-red water. Tourists who saw the scene from the pier somehow tried to keep the shark away, but unfortunately it was too late. In particular, we see a man throw a rope into the water to help the victim.

Warning: Video may hurt the sensibilities of the most vulnerable.

Local media reported that the tourist died of a heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. She married an Egyptian and lived there.

According to Daily, Russian vacationers are complaining about the video Israel timeShortage of lifeguards on the beach.

Shark attacks are relatively rare in Egypt, as the last fatality in the Red Sea dates back to 2018.

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