Emmanuel Macron goes to the queue

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Hosted live by Pierre Bouvier

Cover photo: Emmanuel Macron at a press conference on June 15, 2022, as he flew to the airport of Mikhail Kogalnisianu near the city of Constanta in Romania. Daniel Mihalescu / AFP

Contributions to this live surveillance will be active from 9am to 9pm Paris time.

  • US President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced an additional $ 1 billion in military aid to Ukraine.. This new support includes, in particular, artillery pieces, bombs, surface-to-air missiles and “Advanced Rocket Missiles Needed for Ukrainian Defense Operations in Donbass”.
  • The Russians continue their offensive against the city of Siverodonetsk and its neighbor Lychisansk., Two major cities in Donbass and other places in the region. Ukrainian authorities have recently acknowledged that their forces have been evacuated from the city center of Sverdlovsk, and only they “Complex Communication Lines” With them after all the bridges to Lysychansk were destroyed.
  • Russia on Wednesday accused Kiev forces of blocking evictions through a “humanitarian corridor”. The civilians were captured by the Russian army at a factory in Siverodonetsk in eastern Ukraine.
  • Emmanuel Macron, who visited the NATO base, called on Wednesday to “continue the cooperation equipment effort, financial effort.” Towards Ukraine. He judged when the time came OfSend clear political signals ” Regarding Ukraine’s accession to the European Union. According to German and Italian media, French President and German Chancellor Olaf Scholes and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi are expected to arrive in Kiev on Thursday.
  • The United States on Wednesday called on China to suspend its support for Russia’s invasion Ukraine, to avoid placing itself “On the wrong side of history”After a telephone exchange between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.
  • Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says it is possible to create ‘safe corridors’ To transport Ukrainian wheat across the Black Sea without deactivating marine mines near Ukrainian ports.
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Check out our live stream from yesterday Here.

Read our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Investigation. Resistance, contact and resource: In the teeth of the Zhelensky machine

Encryptions. French military intelligence in search of recovery from the war in Ukraine

True. Judge Emmanuel Macron when the time comes “New Debates” With Kiev

Grandstand. Russia frequently associated with cyber-risk tweets ”

True. In Belgium, environmental activists opposed the increase in military spending

Grandstand. “Freezing the assets of Russian oligarchs is not enough, it is necessary to prevent their return”

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