[En continu] Cantons and the Federal Council should expedite the administration of the 3rd dose


Variation Omigron Seems to be spreading In addition More than the delta variant, the reason Symptoms Less Severe Create them Vaccines Less Effective, the WHO said.

The Zone From Watt Increased alert level Have to fight against Against Fifth Govt-19 wave. He started the third phase, “from computer power”Crisis Cantonal.

Find out Our Sunday follow-up.

அரை Half a million doses ordered for childhood immunizations

Recommendations for vaccinating children are expected to be announced by the National Immunization Commission in the coming days. Swissmedic on Friday approved vaccination of children 5 to 11 years of age with a vaccine developed by Pfizer / BioNtech. “If the recommendations are followed, it will be an important logistics issue,” Alain Borset said. The latter said that half a million doses were ordered next year. “It’s not an adult vaccine, but adjusted doses specifically for children,” he said.

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மண்டல Zones welcome advice for drastic measures

The Conference of Directors of Condonal Health (CDS) welcomes the new proposal recommended by the Federal Council.

“The epidemic is not over yet. We have registered cases which affect the functioning of hospitals. Omicron creates new uncertainties and new risks. We need to maintain the efficiency of the health care system. That is why extra security measures need to be taken, ”said Lucas Engelberger, city councilor and chairman of the CDS in Basel.

According to Alain Persett, the measures taken have not yet succeeded in changing the situation

“The measures taken by the federation and the regions over the past two weeks do not seem to have used their effects enough to change the epidemic situation, and perhaps they will not be enough,” Federal Councilor Alain Berset pointed out. He also declared that current events in Switzerland are the highest ever reached since the outbreak of the epidemic.

Some zones have taken more action than the federation recommended. “It seems essential to me,” said the Federal Councilor in charge of health. “Our goal is to avoid closing,” he stressed. He called for the administration of the 3rd dose to be expedited to restore immunity in the winter, especially against the Omigran variant. At present 5,000 doses per day are being given, “We need to bring in 100,000 doses per day this summer,” he said.

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Third dose, and then?

Discussed with Alain Borset Zones

Federal councilors and regional representatives are scheduled to meet Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. to take the next steps in the fight against the corona virus. No decision is expected, and the measures proposed by the Federal Council on Friday are under consultation until Wednesday.

Yesterday, Guy Formalin told the Sunday press that those who were not vaccinated were “not living a simple life” and should expect their liberties to be curtailed in the long run, according to the federation’s president. This is because the 2G rule for the evolution of the disease must continue to be practiced in the retirement industry.

80% more deaths in nursing homes by the fall of 2020

“The Govt-19 epidemic will have a major impact on health services by 2020,” the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FSO) wrote Monday. The number of elderly people living in nursing homes (–6%) and the number of hospital admissions (–5%) were low. In contrast, the number of deaths increased sharply in hospitals (+ 8%) and nursing homes (+ 16%).

By 2020, 40,871 hospital admissions will be registered with the COVID-19 diagnosis, which is 3% of all hospitalizations, including 36,244 hospitals and intensive care units. The vast majority (69%) of those admitted to Govt-19 have been hospitalized since the end of September.

By 2020, there were approximately 72,000 fewer hospitals than in previous years (–5%). An 80% decline occurred in the spring. This is the resultThe obligation to abandon selective medical treatment The Federal Council has issued an order and measures taken by hospitals to have evidence to treat patients suffering from Govt-19 disease.

The number of hours in intensive care increased by 4% Throughout the year. Nearly one-fifth of the hour in intensive care was done by those with Govit-19. This explains the high loads of these services during the two peaks of epidemics, spring and autumn. The epidemic has also affected funding. According to the OFS, hospitals and nursing homes ended the year with record deficits of 800 million and 400 million francs, respectively.

மருத்துவமனையில் Hospitalization with Govit-19 is often serious

Compared with other hospitalized patients, Covid-19 patients are twice as likely to require intensive care (12% and 5%), according to a special publication by the Federal Bureau of Statistics on the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on services health in 2020. (FSO). The time they spend there is three times more (average 232 hours, 72 hours). When allowed in intensive care, they are infused four times more often (40% vs. 9%). They are five times more likely to die in hospital than those without Covit-19 (12.4% compared to 2.4%).

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The cost of hospitalization with Covid-19 reflects the severity of the treatment they require: on average, they are twice as high as those admitted to the hospital without Covid-19 (22,978 against 12,613 francs). The average cost of hospitalization, including Covid-19 and staying in intensive care, rises to 73,532 francs; If infiltrated, it reaches 107,877 francs.

Bern signed four agreements to develop drugs against Covit-19

After starting the call for projects this summer, The Federation announces Has concluded agreements with four Swiss-based companies to develop drugs against COVID-19. Nine companies had applied, totaling about 27 million francs. The new drugs are expected to be available by the end of 2022.

Read about it:
Bern releases $ 27 million to develop Govt treatment

Four companies selected:

– GeNeuro SA, for the development of a monoclonal antibody to treat the long-term effects of COVID-19 (long COVID) in patients with severe neuropsychiatric symptoms.

– Kinarus AG, to form an oral drug combination with antiviral and anti-inflammatory action for all seizures related to Govit-19.

– Memo Therapeutics AG, administered intravenously or intravenously to patients at risk of acute course of COVID-19 to develop monoclonal antibody to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections.

– Noorik Biopharmaceuticals AG, an oral pulmonary vasodilator developed to prevent respiratory failure and reduce the need for hospitalized mechanical ventilation due to COVID-19.

The promotion plan is limited to the end of 2022. It aims to support the development of important drugs in the fight against Govt-19. In return for these investments, the federation will benefit from the opposition, for example, the foreclosure right.

An entire class is isolated in Geneva

Students and adults in class at De-Livron Elementary School in Marine have been isolated after Omigran’s “most likely” case. It is not linked to local distribution, but rather to imports. “Until pollution is noticed in Geneva, we can impose isolation,” said Keystone-ATS, a Laurent spokeswoman for the Department of Defense, Population and Health (DSES). Paoliello told the place. “We can stop it still spreading.”

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The DSES said Sunday that the isolation determined by the cantonal physician was “severe.” Those in the class should also undergo a PCR test. Parents and siblings of students should also be tested. So far, only a few cases imported into Switzerland have been identified. This seems to be the 5th of the new variant in Canton.

விரைவில் 3rd dose soon for over 18s in the UK

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a strong acceleration of the vaccine booster campaign in the UK on Sunday evening in the face of the “Omigron wave” in the United Kingdom. At the end of December, one month before the initially scheduled date.

Other countries in the United Kingdom (Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales) will also accelerate their vaccination programs.

Boris Johnson, who has been accused of fostering a “culture of ignoring the rules” in the government, has been in turmoil since the release of a photo showing him taking part in a quiz on Sunday, December 2020, at which time the British were asked to restrict their social interactions. .

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa is positive

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa tested positive on Sunday and began treatment, suffering from mild symptoms of the disease. Cyril Ramaphosa, 69, began to feel “unwell” after an official ceremony in Cape Town in memory of former President Frederick de Clerk, who died last month, the president said in a statement late in the evening.

The head of state wore a black mask during the ceremony, which was attended by about 200 people at a church in the city, except for the one he paid tribute to. “The president, who has been fully vaccinated, has isolated himself in Cape Town and handed over all responsibility for next week to Vice President David Mapusa,” the president’s office said, adding that the ceremony was held in accordance with health rules.

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