Explaining China’s zero-COVID policy in 30 seconds | Corona Virus

Since the Covid pandemic began, the Chinese government has acted A zero-tolerance policy for disease outbreaks. The resource-intensive system of targeted lockdowns, mass testing, and quarantines has kept the virus at bay, and has resulted in unusually low death tolls compared to other countries. However, newer, more portable variants such as Omicron a challengeand sometimes overwhelmed the system.

This year has seen widespread closures of entire buildings and counties, sparking frustration, fear and anger. Some, like those in Shanghai, Tibet, and Xinjiang, have been imposed harshly, resulting in Food shortage and other types of deprivation.

Under the zero Covid policy, local officials have been tasked with an almost impossible task: controlling all outbreaks with the least amount of social and economic disruption. Officials face a penalty if they are deemed to have failed in their response.

But health experts agree that opening up is now It would lead to millions of deaths. China does not have herd immunity, its domestic vaccines are not as effective as the foreign-made vaccines that Beijing refuses to approve, and its health system is likely to collapse.

Recent policy adjustments have focused on improving low vaccination rates among the elderly. Vaccinations were encouraged but not compulsory, and fear, doubt or complacency is thought to have driven millions of older people to refuse.

Zero-Covid measures have been linked to multiple tragedies, including deaths due to delays or denials of healthcare and suicides. Deadly building fire in Urumqi It sparked a wave of protests against Covid restrictions As frustrations with hardline politics fester.

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The government remained committed to Zero-Covid, a point China’s leader Xi Jinping emphasized when he was reappointed as head of the Communist Party last month.

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