Four people were killed and three were injured in the shooting, which left the gunman dead

In the US state of Colorado on Monday, four people were killed and three others, including a police officer, were injured when a man acted alone before being shot, U.S. police said. On Monday afternoon, the police said in the midnight press conference that the person was fired in many of the towns of Denver and Lagwar. The gunman first shot and killed two women and a man in Denver, injuring another. He then went to the town of Lockwood, where he shot and wounded another, police said. Using information from the first attack, Lakewood authorities were able to identify the culprit, and he moved back.

The footage was then exchanged again with our agents“And”The shooter (…) was shotLockwood Police Spokesman John Romero wrote the video.He was pronounced dead at the scene“During a gun battle, a Lockwood police officer was shot and wounded.”This agent is currently undergoing surgery at the hospitalRomero said. The motive of the shooter is not known and an investigation into the incident is ongoing.

The right to own a firearm is constitutionally guaranteed in a country where the high number of shootings continues to be the worst in the United States.

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