France will restrict access to travelers from the UK

Status Update – New Activities, New Reports and Highlights: Le Picaro Covit-19 takes the latest developments in the epidemic.

Restrictions on travelers from the UK and Morocco close its borders, further delaying the Sanofi vaccine candidate and raising $ 93 billion in favor of poorer countries … Le Picaro This Thursday, December 16th receives the latest information on the Govt-19 epidemic.

  • France restricts access to travelers from the United Kingdom and faces a record of pollution

The new twist of the screw. Government spokesman Gabriel Attle announced on Thursday that France would tighten access requirements for travelers from the United Kingdom in order to curb the spread of the Omigron variant. In strict terms, passengers must register and the validity period of trips from the United Kingdom to France will be reduced from 48 hours to 24 hours. Reasons for Travel “For residents (French) and their families only“, He clarified on BFMTV and RMC.”Travel or professionals will be restricted to people not living in France.

The United Kingdom said on Wednesday it had reported 78,610 positive cases in the unheard of 24 hours since the outbreak in 2020, according to official figures. The previous record was set on January 8, 2021, at the peak of the alpha variation, with 68,053 positive cases being reported in the country severely affected by the epidemic, and now 146,791 deaths (+165 in 24 hours).

  • Believes ECDC is the only vaccine against Omicron “Will not be enough

Recommended by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) “Strong action“Is”Hurry“Because in the face of the rapid development of the Omigron variant”Vaccination alone is not enough.

In particular, he recommends turning to telecommunications and being more cautious during year-end celebrations and trips. He’s a “again.Quick re-introduction and reinforcement“Called activities”Non-drug», A term that usually includes restrictions.

Omicron could dominate Europe in mid-January, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen warned on Wednesday, saying all Europeans now have adequate vaccines.

  • China attacks a total of 100,000 patients

China said on Thursday it had reached a total of 100,000 Govt-19 patients, two years after the outbreak appeared in the country’s center.

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With the exception of small gaps, the country has been successful in preventing the spread of corona virus in its soil since the spring of 2020. Thanks to the strict prevention policy, people have almost started a normal life. The Asian giant only records dozens of pollutants daily, far from being recorded in other parts of the world.

The Ministry of Health on Thursday registered 77 new cases across the country, bringing the number of official cases registered since the outbreak to 100,000. By comparison, the UK recorded 78,610 pollutants in just 24 hours on Wednesday. China has recorded 4,636 deaths from Govt-19 since the outbreak. Only two people have officially died of the disease since May 2020.

  • Entry conditions are prohibited in Greece and Italy

Greece announced restrictions on its entry into its territory on Wednesday. “All passengersSince December 19, a negative 48-hour PCR test.

Since Thursday, Italy has announced restrictions on entry into its territory for travelers from the European Union, compulsory negative testing for all and five days of isolation for those who have not been vaccinated. .

  • Omigran’s 1st case in Morocco, closing its borders

The first outbreak of the Omigran variant of the corona virus has been detected in Morocco, which will soon close its partially reopened borders to counter the spread. “DazzlingThe new variant, according to Moroccan officials.

This first case of contamination by the new Omigron strain was found in a Moroccan citizen whose health is stable and of no concern.“, The Ministry of Health said in a press release issued by the MAP on Wednesday.

The patient was placed under medical supervision at a hospital in the state’s economic capital, Casablanca, the report said.

  • South Korea has re-established a forced closure time

In an effort to stem the new outbreak of the Kovit-19 epidemic, authorities in South Korea announced on Thursday that they would restrict forced closing hours to cafes, restaurants, cinemas and other public places and restrict the gathering of four people.

Thanks to the success of the vaccine campaign, most of the restrictions in South Korea were relaxed in November following the outbreak of the epidemic. About 80% of people received their two-dose vaccine. But the number of infections tripled in a month, with 7,850 cases reported on Wednesday, and officials expect the number to reach 20,000 daily cases by January.

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We can only pass this important moment if we can quickly stop this re-emergence through radical social exclusion measures.Prime Minister Kim Poo-kyum said on Thursday.

  • In France, new activities are planned

The French government plans to take new measures by the end of the week, its spokesman Gabriel Attal announced on Wednesday, warning that the number of patients undergoing intensive care could reach 4,000 during the holidays.

He noted the acceleration of the vaccination campaign, the strengthening of border controls and the establishment of recommendations for family celebrations.

Elysee announced that a health care council will be held on Friday afternoon. According to the latest figures, nearly 3,000 patients are in intensive care, and that number could reach 4,000 by the end of the year, says Gabriel Attle.

  • Another delay for Sanofi’s vaccination candidate

Sanofi, a French laboratory, plans to release the final results of the clinical trial of the vaccine against Kovit-19 in the first quarter of 2022.

The French team developing the restructured protein-based vaccine with the British GSK released interim results on Wednesday that were considered a booster dose, but did not provide an exact timeline for the vaccine’s availability.

We will bring this vaccine next year“While the recall campaign in France is in full swing, the AFP on Wednesday promised only Sanofi’s French leader AFP Olivier Bogillot.

  • The oldest French citizen died of Covit-19

He said 112-year-old Marcel Meiz, who was recently known as the oldest man in France, died overnight at a hospital in Vienna from Tuesday to Wednesday after suffering from Covit-19.

He still lived at home, but he had covit and the condition worsened, he was put in oxygen, they did the impossible, but at 112 how could you …Nicole Byron, the only daughter of the supercentre, confirmed the Dauphiné Liberé’s statement to the AFP.

Marcel Mays has been hospitalized since Dec. 2. He was born on July 12, 1909 in Saint-Julien-de-l’Herms (Isère) and still resides at his home in Saint-Romain-en-Gal (Rhône).

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  • Concerns about Omigron at the center of the Twenty-seventh Summit

Twenty-seven leaders will try to improve their coordination in the face of Thursday’s Govt explosion and the rapid development of the Omigran variant, which has pushed many EU countries to restrict the conditions for unilateral entry into their borders. .

The threat of a new confrontation between Moscow and Kiev will be another hegemony of this summit in Brussels, and additional sanctions will be considered if Russia attacks.

  • The New York Opera demands a booster shot

Faced with the threat of Omigron diversity, the famous Metropolitan Opera House in New York is demanding a booster dose of the Covit-19 vaccine from all its musicians and the general public. “avant-garde“Security.

Booster dose required “Enter the MedFor those eligible from January 17, i.e. six months after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer or Modern vaccine, and two months after the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

  • $ 93 billion to fund poor countries

The World Bank announced on Wednesday that the International Development Association (IDA) has set a $ 93 billion record for low-income countries to tackle the Govt crisis and boost economic growth.

This is, according to the financial institution, the largest. “Replenishing resourcesIDA, which provides loans to 74 countries, has never been granted, most of which are in Africa.

  • More than 5.3 million deaths worldwide

The epidemic has killed at least 5,320,431 people worldwide since the end of 2019, according to a report established by the AFP from 11:00 GMT on Wednesday.

The United States is the saddest country, with 802,389 more deaths than Brazil (617,271), India (476,135), Mexico (296,984) and Russia (292,891).

The WHO estimates that the number of epidemics in the world could be two to three times higher, taking into account the high number of deaths directly and indirectly linked to Govt-19.

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