From the stagnation of Russian troops to the “comics” drones, the clash on four charts

The War in Ukraine Diplomatic efforts to calm the guns continue. The Russian army is trying to round up Kiev, Launches bombing raids on Kharkiv and Mykoliv, but the fiercest fighting this week took place in Mariupol. In this city, which had been besieged for several days, the electricity was cut off and a theater bomb was thrown at the place where “several hundred” civilians were staying, where there was a shortage of food. At the same time, under Western sanctions, the Russia Finds itself on the edge of default. 20 minutes Four charts provide an update on the conflict in Ukraine and its challenges.

Russian troops made little progress

Map of the situation in Ukraine on March 18 at 8:30 GMT. – Simon Malfato, Boss Pizarro, Clea Beculier, Canon Aguirre / AFP

Russian troops stalled. Despite Vladimir Putin’s promises, progress has been slow on the ground, in terms of provoking “success”. Then Fight in IrfinAs far as possible by the Prime Ministers of Poland, Czech and Slovenia, kyiv is not yet fully surrounded. Go back and forth To meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky. Bombs usually strike Dinibro and Elviv, while Russian troops are far from it.

From the beginning of the war the situation was very dangerous for the disputed Kharkiv and Mykolive, whose control would pave the way for Russian tanks towards Odessa. Hundreds of civilians flee to Odessa every day. On Sunday, nine people were killed in an airstrike while queuing outside a shop. But this week, strikes and fighting have focused on another major city, Mariupol.

The bombing theater in Mariupol

Recent developments in the war in Ukraine, including the bombing theater in Mariupol.
Recent developments in the war in Ukraine, including the bombing theater in Mariupol. – Sabrina Blanchard, Cal Roma / AFP

“It’s not like Mario anymore, it’s hell. Tamara Konunenko, a resident, was finally able to leave her city. Besieged for more than two weeks. Mariupol, a strategic port that allows the Russians to establish contact between its troops in Crimea and the Donbass forces, will no longer provide electricity. Its citizens, hiding wherever they can, drink radiators or water from the river. According to Kiev, More than 2,000 people died To date in Mariupol.

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After this, the number may rise significantly The City Theater exploded Wednesday. Work to remove the rubble is still ongoing, but City Hall notes that “several hundred people” have taken refuge there. On the front and back of the building, the word “Titi” (“children” in Russian) was written on the floor in giant letters. The Russian Air Force seems to have ignored the warning. This Friday, clashes were reported in the city center, where the bodies of civilians have been scattered in the streets for days.

US supplies Comicase drones to Ukraine

Some things about
Some Elements – Gal ROMA, Valentin RAKOVSKY, Anibal MAIZ CACERES / AFP

Joe Biden Announced that it would send anti-aircraft defenses to Ukraine, which would include Soviet-made S-300 missiles, very practical for the Ukrainian military, but 100 drones. According to a U.S. military source, these are so-called “switchblade”, “comicase” drones that can explode when in contact with a target and destroy small prototype light armored vehicles. Enough to allow Ukrainians to target Russian convoys trying to encircle Q, or more distant strategic targets.

Russia on the brink of default

Next Repayment Dates for Russian Sovereign Debentures.
Next Repayment Dates for Russian Sovereign Debentures. – Sophie Ramis, Gale Roma / AFP

That’s Russia Came close to default, While paying $ 117 million on March 16 for two bonds. After fears that payments would be impossible due to Western sanctions, especially by Russian banks, everything returned to normal. The Russian Ministry of Finance said in a statement that it had provided the required funds and had “executed a fee order for the payment of interest on securities (…) worth $ 117.2 million (…)” in a statement. A source close to the matter said that the US bank, JPMorgan, had received money from the Russian central bank.

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After consulting with US officials that the sanctions should not be violated, JPMorgan sent the money to Citigroup, which is responsible for disbursing the required amount to the holders of the various securities within thirty days. But this last-minute payment temporarily eliminates the threat of default. Many more deadlines are coming, and sanctions have caused the ruble to fall sharply.

However, as Russian reserves abroad were blocked, Moscow could only pay for its own currency Loans Payable in foreign currency. Despite his threats, the money was made in dollars this week. But how long can the Kremlin survive? Rating agencies downgraded Russia’s rating further, considering the risk of “immediate” Russian default.

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