Govt-19: A three-week-old baby dies in critical condition in Qatar

A three-week-old baby has died of a “severe infection” in Qatar. Govit-19, A rare case announced by this Gulf country on Sunday. Mortality from the corona virus is very low among children, but health officials in many countries have reported more infections among them since the virus spread. Variation Omicron.

“The three-week-old baby unfortunately died of a severe Govt-19 infection,” the health ministry said in a statement. “He has no other health problems or known hereditary diseases,” he said, adding that this was the second child to die of the disease in Qatar since the outbreak began.

More infections in children since Omicron

According to the same source, “The current wave has affected a large number of children and requires medical attention. Infant deaths due to Govt-19 have been reported by various countries since the outbreak, but these cases are very rare.

The number of daily infections in Qatar has recently reached 4,000, 20 times higher than the figures announced in mid-December. The country’s leading general hospital team suspended the leave of all medical and administrative staff working with Covid-19 patients at the end of December.

In total, Qatar, with a population of 2.6 million, has officially registered nearly 300,000 cases, including 600 deaths.

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