Hamas released photos of the hostage


Video Length: 2 minutes

War between Israel and Hamas: Hostage footage released by Hamas
War between Israel and Hamas: Hostage footage released by Hamas
(France 2)

Hamas released the first video of the hostage-taking on Wednesday, April 24, and prompted several reactions in Israel. In the footage, a young man abducted by Hamas on October 7, 2023 speaks under duress, urging the Israeli government to take action to free all hostages.

In the first images released by Hamas, we see 23-year-old Hersch Goldberg-Polin. Filmed under duress, the young man pleads with the Israeli government to release him. He was abducted on October 7, when a grenade exploded from his captors. The video broadcast on Wednesday April 24 is the first evidence of the life of one of the 133 Israeli hostages.

“We are worried about his health”

Contrary to authorities' instructions, the teenager's parents agreed to air the video in Israel. In turn, they talk to their son. “It is a relief to see him alive, but we are worried about his health.”, declares the young man's father, John Boleyn. Shortly after Hamas released the video, relatives of the hostages demonstrated in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence. For now, hostage negotiations are deadlocked.

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