‘I poked it with a fork’: Woman buys tinned beans from Aldi, finds dead snake inside

A 26-year-old Welsh woman was shocked to find a dead snake in a tin of tomato beans. He expressed his surprise on social media.

A 26-year-old Welsh woman found a truly horrifying sight when she opened a simple tin of tomato flavored beans. The young woman actually came face to face with a dead snake. These facts happened a few days ago in Wales at Borth. As the man in question usually does, he bought a tin of beans with tomatoes from the Aldi supermarket.

Fainting when returning home: When opening the product, it falls on something “unusual”, as pointed out by our colleagues. WalesOnline “Physically, I couldn’t touch him. So I poked him with a fork and everything suddenly moved, and after that I refused to look again,” the young woman recounted to British media. This time, the Welshwoman misses throwing “the box across the room”.

He takes a picture of the product and shares his discovery on social networks. The young woman is described as “grey and black with distinctive markings” and questions: “So, that’s a snake in my beans?”

“a shortcoming”

Between explanations and conflicting comments, interested parties delete his post. Too late: it’s already been shared thousands of times on the Internet. Aldi offers some explanations and concludes: “Although we cannot pinpoint the exact cause of this problem, it is possible that there was a flaw in the packaging which allowed air to enter and cause the product to deteriorate”.

The young Welsh woman went to the supermarket to return her item and asked for an explanation. As compensation, the company gave him two bottles of wine.

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