In a country ruled by an iron fist, President Obiang was re-elected with 94.9% of the vote.

Ritual is immutable Equatorial Guinea : After the state organizes a presidential election and opens the ballot boxes, Teodoro Obiang Nkuma Mbasoko’s name appears formally on 93% of the ballot papers. He was re-elected for a 6th term, this time with a winning official score, as head of a 15-party coalition led by his all-powerful Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea (PDGE), which had been in power since 1979. 94.9% in November 20 election.

“The National Electoral Commission announces that Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is the candidate for the president of Equatorial Guinea for the next 7 years”, the head of this commission, Faustino Ndong Esono Eyang, announced on Saturday, noting that the participation was established at 98%.

especially suppressed resistance

The PDGE and its coalition won all 100 representative seats and 55 senatorial seats in the concurrent legislative and local government elections. The PDGE, which had 99 seats in the outgoing National Assembly, also won a deputy.

The percentages obtained by opposition candidates Andrés Esono Ondo of the Cohesion for Social Democracy (CPDS), the only unbanned opposition party, and Bonaventura Monsuy Asumu of the Social Democratic Alliance Party (PCSD) were not disclosed. They got 9,684 and 2,855 votes respectively, and the opposition is suppressed and frowned upon in one of the world’s most closed and authoritarian regimes.

“The final election results prove us right once again. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo was re-elected president with 94.9% of the vote, equivalent to 405,910 votes. We continue to prove that we are a great political party,” he wrote on Twitter, adding that his son, Teodorin, alias Theodorin Nguuma Obiang Mangu, will succeed him as the country’s vice president.

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President since the 1979 coup

A total of 427,661 Equatogunians out of a population of 1.4 million are registered to vote in the country, led by Teodoro Obiang Nguuma Mbasoko, who holds the record for the longest tenure of a sitting head of state, excluding monarchs. The 80-year-old president seized power in a 1979 coup in the country, which has been independent from Spain since 1968. His regime continues to be accused by international NGOs and Western capitals of suppressing all dissent. Human rightsand blamed for local corruption.

Much of Equatorial Guinea’s wealth, its currency, the CFA franc, is concentrated in the hands of a few, according to the World Bank, the third-largest oil producer and third-richest country in sub-Saharan Africa by GDP per capita in 2021. The Bretton Woods Institute has no recent data on the country, but in 2006 it estimated that nearly 80% of the population lived below the poverty line.

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