In Kiev, a building near the city center was hit by a Russian shell; Several surrounding cities were bombed at night
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Hosted live by Anna Willechenan and Luke Vinogradov

  • At 19 o’clockAnd On the day of the war in Ukraine, the Russian army continued to bomb several cities incessantly, causing a series of humanitarian crises, but no real progress on the ground.
  • In Kiev and its region, Russian bombings continue into the night, intensifying The adviser to the Ukrainian president agrees “The city is under siege”. In Mariupol, several days were besieged and bombed. The situation is “Almost hopeless”People are expecting humanitarian aid to arrive at the site on Monday afternoon, according to Doctors Without Borders. In Mykolayiv, another port city on the Black Sea, The shelling continued into the night. Russian troops are approaching the city, but their target is Odessa Cut off Ukrainian access to the sea. Later, Russia tightened its grip, tweeting that it had Russian naval forces, if the British Defense Ministry was to be believed. “Established the remote siege of the Ukrainian Black Sea coast”.

  • A new session via video conference between Russia and Ukraine is set to take place on Monday, March 14 from 9:20 am (Paris time). After the failure of the first three sessions in Belarus this time, there is a glimmer of hope in Turkey on Thursday, following the failure of the meeting between Russian Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Ukrainian Dmitry Kuleba.

  • The New York Times Citing U.S. officials who want to remain anonymous, Russia accused China of seeking economic and military assistance in waging war and avoiding Western sanctions. U.S. Defense Adviser Jake Sullivan has warned Beijing that China’s aid to Moscow to offset losses related to sanctions could have repercussions.
  • Emmanuel Macron spoke with Volodymyr Zhelensky on Sunday. During the Versailles summit on Thursday and Friday, he briefed the Ukrainian president on the additional assistance that the European Union has decided to provide to Ukraine. The French president also exchanged views with Joe Biden “Strengthen existing sanctions against Russia”According to Elysee.
  • “About 1,300” Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since February 24, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky announced on Saturday, as well as at least 596 civilians on Sunday at the UN. The calculation underscores that this figure may be much lower than the reality.
  • In twenty-four hours, about 100,000 people have joined the ranks of refugees fleeing the fighting, bringing the total to nearly 2.7 million, according to figures released by the United Nations on Sunday.
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Read our articles, analysis and reports on the war in Ukraine:

Evidence. In Mariupol hell, isolated and besieged: “My mother tells me they are afraid we will forget them.”

Report. “He said to us, ‘Mom, why?’ ⁇ : Ukrainian mothers talk about their children’s concerns

Encryptions. The bombing of the Yaroviev site was a stern warning to Westerners

Report. “This is no longer possible” In Mykolaiv, the Russian military is deliberately targeting civilians

To analyze. Worst case scenario in Ukraine and Russia

Web light. Ukrainian Chronicle: Daily War

Our live from Sunday, March 13th Can be found here.

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