In Peru, prosecutors open a “genocide” trial against President Tina Polwart

A nurse, in her blue blouse, looks tired, as a nurse greets the wounded at the health center for hours. “We are being fired upon, She gets tired. What does Boluarte want? What more could they want? They have already killed many…” Calls for help are mounting on the streets of Juliaca in the Puno region (south) on Monday, January 9, after security forces’ violent crackdown on anti-government protests left 17 dead and 70 injured in a single day. A man in front of the camera, bitter, asks to help with the funeral of his dead son in a hospital. On Wednesday, one protester was killed and around 30 injured in the tourist city of Cusco.

More than 1,000 kilometers away, in the capital city of Lima, President Tina Boulvard is turning a deaf ear to the protesters’ bewilderment and demands. The latter have been protesting in the streets since President Pedro Castillo was ousted on December 7, 2022 following a coup attempt, and are demanding the resignation of the head of state and the immediate organization of new elections. “I don’t understand, what do they want? »On Monday M. raised the questionme Bolavarte, in front of the cameras, was the first to receive news of the dead in Juliaca. The President was in the middle of a dialogue meeting with various political forces to find a way out of the crisis. “What are they [les protestataires] Ask is an excuse to create confusion”, She decided.

read more: The article is reserved for our subscribers In Peru, protests return in the wake of the Tina Polwarte regime’s “authoritarianism”.
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It was a bloodbath in Juliaca, the epicenter of the demonstrations, in the hours following their resumption after the Christmas truce. In videos widely shared on social media, helicopters fly over the city and drop tear gas. On the ground, police forces opened fire on demonstrators. According to medical reports, they may have targeted the head or body. Some victims are hit on the back. On Tuesday, families carried the coffins of their loved ones through the streets of the city in a symbolic and collective vigil. Three days of mourning were observed in the Aymara region.

A vigil is organized around the coffins of those who died during the demonstrations in Juliaca (Peru) on January 10, 2023.

In Lima, the government justifies its repression and denies any abuse. Prime Minister Alberto Otterola called out to the protesters “The Gang of Criminals”. He points out that measures will be taken to counter the social mobilization presented as an attempt “riot” Who will be Funded by drug trafficking or through “External Interests”. He announced a three-day curfew In the Puno area.

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