In Spain, there is strong support for the anti-Govt vaccine

Closing down nightclubs, lowering the screen in 1 hour to bars, 50% or 70% measurements in restaurants and theaters and curfew orders from 1am to 6am … Many areas have decided to tighten restrictions despite some opposition, such as Madrid.

Less than 20% of the country’s intensive care beds are now occupied by Govt-19 patients and the government firmly believes there is a better strategy. “Intensity and Acceleration of the Vaccination Process” In a country where Europe already has the best vaccine protection. By mid-October, 90% of eligible adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and the government does not need to impose a health permit. As of Tuesday, December 28, 90% of people over the age of 12 had a complete immunization schedule.

Pedro Sanchez, the head of the Spanish government confronted with the Omicron diversity, recalled the age-old intentions set by the age group for the administration of the booster dose on Wednesday, December 22, after a meeting with leaders of various autonomous regions of the country. For the allotted time over 40s.

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Although more than 86% of people over the age of 70 have already been vaccinated, the government plans to vaccinate 80% of people aged 60-69 and 80% of people over the age of 50 by the end of this year. 80% of people over the age of 40 are in the first week of March. Spain, meanwhile, expects 70% of the 3.3 million children aged 5 to 12 to be vaccinated with the first dose as of February 7.

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Vaccination for the young began on December 15 in the caps of the wheels. Although all children in Catalonia are invited to be vaccinated in specialized infrastructure, in Madrid and other regions, first 10-11 year olds are invited to go to hospitals or health centers. Some other areas, such as Valencia or Extremadura, have arranged for vaccinations in schools, and there has been little controversy over the lack of confidentiality. This strategy was soon thwarted by the success of a campaign widely followed by parents.

“The Most Important Vaccine Culture”

92% of people over the age of 12 have received at least one dose, and even 87% of those over the age of 12-19 have been encouraged to be vaccinated since the end of November, when parts of Spain began implementing the vaccine. Govit in nightclubs, hospitals, even restaurants, try to encourage the last reluctant or lazy. Nearly 400,000 new vaccines were thus detected in the first three weeks of December. Whether it is in Madrid, Castile-La Mancha or Castile-Ant-Lyon, no pass is required at this time.

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