Kiev announced on Friday the evacuation of citizens from Mariupol to Zaporizhia

The boat of the Russian oligarchy was seized in Fiji at the request of the United States

The U.S. Justice Department announced Thursday that a super boat suspected to belong to a Russian oligarchy targeted by sanctions related to the Ukraine war has been seized by authorities in Fiji at the request of the United States.

The Amedia, valued at $ 325 million (approximately 0 310 million), is owned by businessman and deputy Suleiman Kerim, who was targeted by European and US sanctions, according to Washington. According to Washington, Mr. Kerimov made his fortune from his stakes in major Russian energy and financial institutions, including Gasprom and Sberbank.

In Laudoka, western Fiji, since mid-April, Amadea has been unmoved by Fijian authorities since the US seizure warrant was issued. On Tuesday, a local court ordered it confiscated, which took place in earnest.

“There is no place to hide the assets of criminals who support the Russian regime.”U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement. “The Ministry of Justice will work tirelessly to hold those responsible for facilitating the deaths and destruction we see in Ukraine.”He added.

“This seizure scandal shows Russian oligarchs that they cannot hide even in the most remote parts of the world.”For her part, Lisa Monaco commented that number two in the U.S. judiciary. “Every boat purchased with dirty money is in our view”She promised.

Many specialized sites mention that Solomon Kerimov is its ownerAmedia, But this could not be confirmed independently by Agence France-Presse (AFP). Millemarin Investment, a company registered as the owner of the boat, appealed to the Fiji High Court against the seizure. According to the lawyer before this court, the result is expected on Friday.

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Washington announced in March that a cell dedicated to prosecuting would be created “Corrupt Russian oligarchy” And all those who violate the sanctions adopted by Washington against Moscow. Since then, the Americans “Ships and planes worth more than a billion dollars were seized and detained, and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of assets of the Russian elite were frozen in US accounts.”, According to the White House. President Joe Biden believes these assets can be dismantled and the money could be used to compensate for the damage Ukraine has suffered.

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