Like Germany and Austria, the Netherlands is returning to coal

In the fourth month of the war in Ukraine, Moscow is pressing on where it hurts and playing with the energy impact of the Europeans, 40% of the burned gas usually comes from Russia. Then Last week saw a decline in gas supplies, The Russian pipeline is closed in Poland, Bulgaria and Finland, and its flow is greatly reduced to Germany, Austria and Italy, while France has not yet received the cubic meter. Countries like Germany are trying to make up for the slump in Russia’s gas supply, even as it seeks less environmentally friendly solutions such as coal. On Monday evening, the Netherlands announced it would lift restrictions on coal-fired power generation to offset a drop in gas supplies from Russia.

“LThe cabinet has decided to immediately lift production restrictions on coal-fired power plants from 2022 to 2024, ”Dutch Climate and Energy Minister Rob Jetton told a news conference.

This means that coal-fired power plants will be able to operate at full capacity again at 35% of maximum capacity, “he added.” Currently there is no shortage of gas. .

“More countries are now under pressure (from Russia) which worries us. Because of these concerns, I am announcing a state of the gas crisis today: early warning,” the minister added.

Russian gas company Gazprom announced in May that it would suspend supplies to the Dutch state-owned Dutch supplier Castorra because the company refused to pay in rubles.

The Dutch move comes as Germany and Austria announce moves to use more coal.

Gas Crisis: The Great Recovery of Coal in Europe

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Sunday night, The Austrian government has announced the reopening of an unused coal-fired power plant to offset the effects of a possible gas shortage. The announcement follows the German government’s announcement that it would take urgent measures to protect its supply, especially with the high use of coal.

Slow thermal power station

The Austrian government plans to reactivate a coal-fired power plant that closed in the spring of 2020, eliminating the need for a polluting power source to generate 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. This is the Melloch site. With Verband Group, the country’s leading electricity supplier Agreed to restart the thermal power plant “Located in Meloch (South), now in a state of stagnation, the Chancellor announced in a press release issued after the crisis meeting. Purpose ” In case of emergency it is possible to generate electricity from coal again The Ministry of Environment told the APA News Agency that the process would take several months.

Our primary goal is to protect the country’s supply “80% of the gas comes from Russia, justified by the ruling Conservative President Carl Neummer, along with the Greens.” This means replacing the missing Russian gas with other sources or suppliers that can continue to build reserves. “.

Austria had a savings rate of 39% in mid-June, with a total capacity of 95 terawatt hours per year, which is one percent higher than the European Union (EU) average. The government had already put forward an emergency plan in May, but decided to go further when Russian giant Gazprom announced gas supply cuts in recent days.

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A twist to Germany, “in the short term”

Concerned about Russia’s gas cuts, Germany will also seek more coal-fired power plants. Although the Russian energy company Gasprom this week reduced supplies through the North Stream gas pipeline to 40% and then to 33%, the German government announced on Sunday that it would take urgent steps in this direction to protect its supply. As a reminder, despite Russia’s success in reducing gas emissions, Germany continues to import almost 35% of its gas (compared to 55% before the war).

This is a turning point for Olaf Scholes’ coalition government, which is proud of the Greens and has promised to pull out of coal by 2030. To reduce gas consumption, less gas should be used to generate electricity. To do Instead, coal-fired power plants should be used more “, The German ministry pointed out on SundayEEconomy. ” It is bitter, but it is necessary to reduce gas consumption “, The Minister of Environment advancedEEconomy and Climate Robert Hebeck pledges the need to use coal. ” Intensification The situation in the gas market will be Temporary “.

The German government maintained a point of re-clarification on Monday, despite its intention to drop its potential for polluting coal by 2030. Social Democrat President Olaf Scholes is the focal point of an alliance agreement with his environmental and liberal partners.

“Coming out of coal in 2030 will not be shaken at all (…) We may have to restart coal-fired power plants (…) which will naturally lead to increased CO2 emissions, so it is very important that we stick to the basics. A spokesman for the Ministry of Economy and Climate Change told a news conference in Berlin.

Coal-fired power plants will be revived. A short-term action “, Once upon a time” Limited “Until 2024,” said Stephen Gabriel Hauf, a spokesman for the Ministry of Economy and Climate.

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increase in price

Europeans have condemned Vladimir Putin’s gas threat, while the continent wants to use the summer to replenish its stock. For most Europeans, there is no shortage of gas in the summer because there is no need to heat buildings. But the cuts come as countries have to take advantage of the summer to replenish their reserves, with a target of at least 80% in the EU by November.

France and Germany, among others, want to avoid panic and reassure their citizens: the share of the two countries is up 56%. The EU averages 52%, according to Gas Infrastructure Europe, which at the same time is better than last year, but below the previous two years. A drop in deliveries will push up prices.

(With AFP)