Live – Ukraine: Three people, including a woman, were killed in a bomb blast at a children’s hospital in Mariupol.

Joseph Borel assures that “Russians are systematically bombing Ukrainian cities”

After the Russian army’s strike on the Mariupol Children’s Hospital, 3 people, including a little girl, died, which provoked very strong emotions, Joseph Borel responded.

“The Russians are systematically bombing Ukrainian cities. They did it in Syria, Chechnya (…), they did not seek military motives,” the European diplomat said.

Mariupol Meyer condemned “war crimes” on BFMTV.

In the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia for Clement Beyonc “there is very thin hope today”

Talks between the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Ukraine are taking place this morning in Antalya, Turkey.

“There is very thin faith in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, but it must be captured. Every diplomatic solution, without being naive, we must try to capture it,” Clement Beyoncரான, the foreign secretary for European affairs, explained this morning. On France Inter.

This is their first face-to-face meeting since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine two weeks ago.

Clement Peon explains that Russia’s embargo on gas: “We must decide between Europeans”

Although many candidates, such as Yannick Jadot and Anne Hidalgo, have called on France to suspend all imports of Russian gas, Clement Beaune has referred the decision to the EU.

“We have to decide among the Europeans. Otherwise, we do not have the same pressure. Because there is not much interest in reducing the very weak dependency. We have to reduce the very strong dependency. We have to take this decision on the 27th. It is not. It is a question of sanctions. It depends on us. No, it’s stable, “he explained this morning.

The issue will be discussed over the next two days at the Versailles Summit, which brings together European leaders.

The meeting of the heads of Russian and Ukrainian diplomats in Turkey has begun

A Turkish ambassador confirmed to AFP that talks between Russian Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Ukraine’s Dmitro Kuleba began in the presence of the Turkish Foreign Minister in southern Turkey.

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This is the first meeting at this level since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, two weeks ago.

France has suspended adoption practices for children from Ukraine and Russia

International adoption procedures for children living in Russia and Ukraine have been suspended in France due to the war in Ukraine, according to two orders issued this Thursday in the official journal.

According to one of the two decrees dated March 7, “Any person residing in France shall have three months’ suspension from publication of all international adoption procedures regarding children of their own use in Ukraine.”

“This suspension applies to files that do not provide a promotion, to the decision of competent Ukrainian authorities to liaise with candidates for child adoption on the date of issuance of this order,” it said.

Three people, including a woman, were killed in a Russian attack on a Mariupol children’s hospital

City officials announced Thursday morning that three people, including a young woman, had been killed in a Russian military strike on a children’s hospital in the city of Mariupol on Wednesday afternoon.

Marion Maréchal calls on France to play “its role as negotiator” in the war in Ukraine.

After joining Eric Gemmer in Dolen last Sunday, Marion Marchel gave a glimpse of the conflict in Ukraine.

“If we want to ensure the security of the Ukrainians, France must play a role, not be in a militant attitude, but be a negotiator,” the former MP told CNEWS this morning.

Emmanuel Macron receives European leaders for 2 days in Versailles.

Anne Hidalgo calls for “immediate embargo” on Russian gas and oil

With Elysee closing the door on ending Russian gas imports amid the conflict with Ukraine, Anne Hidalgo takes a completely different stance.

“We need this immediate embargo (on Russian gas and oil). I ask that, on this basis, the EU and France must commit themselves,” the Socialist candidate assessed in France this morning.

Following in the footsteps of Paris Mayor Franுவாois Hollande, he called for a halt to all Russian gas imports.

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Earlier this week, the European Commission announced plans to reduce Russia’s gas dependence by two-thirds by 2022.

As Gabriel puts it, “We are not a drop in the bucket.”

Asked about the RTL just hours before the EU leaders’ crisis summit in Versailles, Gabriel Atoll outlined the purpose of these discussions on the energy independence of European countries against Russia.

“We are not a drop in the bucket, we are less and less independent of a dictatorial state like Russia,” a government spokesman said.

Sony suspends PlayStation exports to Russia

Japanese electronics maker Sony announced on Wednesday that it had stopped all exports of PlayStation consoles and video games to Russia, with a growing number of companies leaving the country following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) joins the global community in calling for peace in Ukraine.

Sony has announced a $ 2 million donation to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Save the Children in support of the victims of this war.

About 35,000 civilians were evacuated from Ukrainian cities

On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky announced that at least 35,000 civilians had been evacuated from the besieged Ukrainian cities.

The leader announced in a video message Wednesday evening that residents of the cities of Sumi, Enerhodor and areas near the capital Kiev had been evacuated through three humanitarian corridors.

He said he hoped the evacuation would continue on Thursday, opening the other three humanitarian corridors from the besieged cities of Volnovaka (southeast) and Isiam (east).

Emmanuel Macron convenes EU leaders’ crisis summit in Versailles

EU government and government leaders will try to lay the groundwork for a more sovereign Europe after the shock of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which exposed its weaknesses in Versailles on Thursday and Friday.

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The conflict highlights the EU’s strong dependence on gas imported from Russia, which limits its ability to operate against Moscow. Even if it accepts unprecedented sanctions, Europe is financing Russia with its energy purchases, which it cannot do without in the very short term.

“This summit is a European uprising, a European sovereignty”, underlining one in Elysee.

Planned meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Ukraine in Turkey

On Thursday, the Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers met in Antalya, Turkey, to begin talks on the 15th day of the war in Ukraine. Unprecedented level of encounter from the beginning of the conflict. Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu welcomed Sergei Lavrov and his Ukrainian Prime Minister Dmitry Kuleba.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has stepped up mediation efforts since the beginning of the crisis, argued on Wednesday that “Turkey can talk to both Ukraine and Russia.”

“We are working to prevent the crisis from turning into a tragedy,” he stressed.

Children’s hospital in Mariupol bombed

This Wednesday, a Russian plane bombed a children’s hospital and maternity hospital in the port city of Mariupol. An act described as a “war crime” by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky.

“Aerial bombing is the ultimate proof that genocide of Ukrainians is taking place,” he said in a video message.

According to a recent report, 17 adults were injured. For his part, the Russian ambassador to France denied that his country had any involvement in the bombing and said “do not target civilian settlements”.

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