Macron and Scholes called for new elections in contested municipalities

Kosovar President Vjosa Osmani said he was “ready to consider” the possibility.

Via Le Figaro with AFP

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President Emmanuel Macron and the German chancellor Olaf Scholes Thursday 1 askedR New elections will be held in disputed municipalities in northern Kosovo in June. Scene of recent conflicts. “We have requested both parties to hold fresh elections in these four municipalities soon.“Emmanuel Macron announced after a quartet meeting with the Serbian and Kosovar presidents in Chisinau, on the sidelines of the summit of the European political community.

According to the French president, this request is a “Commitment from Kosovo” and this “A clear participation of the Serbian side in these elections“. Asked about this shortly after, Kosovo’s President Vijosa Osmani assured that he was “.Ready to considerThis possibility. “Clear results“Asked of the Two Leaders”For next week“, Emmanuel Macron emphasized, and urges”Priority and immediate resolution of the question of Association of Serbian Municipalities by Kosovo“.

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“Less than 5% of voters”

At the same time, the head of EU diplomacy, Emmanuel Macron, said that he would unite the ministers of both parties in this association of Serbian municipalities. The French head of state also condemned.A deplorable electoral system when guarantees of proper conduct are not providedยป and electionFour mayors with less than 5% of the electorate is obviously not a legal requirement“.

The region, which has been going from crisis to crisis for years, has been in a very tense situation for the past few days. Many members of the majority Serb community in the four northern cities do not recognize Pristina’s authority and remain loyal to Belgrade. Serbs boycotted the April municipal elections in these municipalities, which resulted in Albanian mayors being elected with less than 3.5% of the vote. Last week they were burned to the throne by the Kosovar government.

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