Moldova faces a ‘hybrid war’ from Russia

Moldovan Defense Minister Anatoly Nozati refers to “disinformation” and a “set of provocations” to “change the political order”.

Via Le Figaro with AFP

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Moldovan Defense Minister Anatoly Nozati during an interview with AFP at the Ministry of Defense headquarters in Chisinau, Moldova on March 13, 2023. Daniel Mihailescu/AFP

Moldova did not face “Immediate military danger» But to do A mixed battle» led by MoscowTo overthrow the governmentPro-European, Monday, March 13, Moldova’s Defense Minister Anatolia Nozati said in an interview with AFP.

Fears have resurfaced in recent weeks in the former Soviet republic’s neighboring Ukraine. European ambitions are viewed with suspicion by the Kremlin.

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Russian instability

There is currently no immediate military risk against Moldova, but there are other types of risks that affect security“Anatoly Nozati was interviewed in his offices in Chisinau. He noted”Disinformation, tensions in society created by Russia“,”A collection of provocationsIntent to sow confusion andChange the political order“.

Earlier in the day, police announced the arrest of members of a network suspected of being orchestrated by Moscow. The troublemakers have been accused of intervening during the anti-government protests that continue to rock the Moldovan capital and seek to destabilize the country.

“Read more – “Shorts of the World” N°12: Moldova, the next domino of ex-Soviet space?

The question of Transnistria

The White House blamed Moscow on Friday March 10.Seeks to weaken the Moldovan government“, with the aim of installing a government, won for its cause. Russia last month denied any coup plans, condemning the claims “Totally baseless and unsubstantiated“.

At the center of concerns is the pro-Russian separatist region of Transnistria, where Russia has about 1,500 soldiers and large stockpiles of ammunition. The minister has renewed calls to demilitarize the area. “We continue to call for the unconditional withdrawal of Russian forces illegally stationed on Moldovan territory.“, he said.

“Read more – Our team in Moldova and Transnistria: between war and peace

The Kremlin recently slammed “Anti-Russian fanaticismAfter similar statements by Prime Minister Doreen Reiszion. Transnistria, home to Russian speakers and major industries (energy, steel, cement), de facto seceded from Moldova in 1992 after a brief war.

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The situation there is stable and under control.Despite the recent comments from Moscow and local authorities, Anatoly Nozati promised. The leader of the separatists, Vadim Krasnosselskiï, confirmed last week that Ukraine had planned an attack against several senior officials in the separatist territory. Kiev condemned “stimulusInspired by the Kremlin. in which “Mixed combat“The economic aspect plays an important role, said the 50-year-old Moldovan official. Chisinau has been condemning for months.Russia’s energy threat», which cut its gas supply in half.

“Read more – In Transnistria, people fear being overtaken by neighboring war: Special envoy’s story Picaro

A dilapidated security system

Anatolia Nozati also lamented “Airspace violationWith repeated missiles aimed at Ukraine, Moldova lacks sophisticated means of detection. With an army of 6,500 soldiers and outdated equipment from the Soviet era, the country “Review the entire security system“, which requires”Time and money“said Anatoly Nozati.

The task is not easy in this country of 2.6 million people, one of the poorest countries in Europe. Faced with these challenges, Anatoly Nozati welcomed the support of the European Union (EU). Candidate status in June 2022 and provided him with significant financial support from the start of the war. “Moldova is not alone and will not be alone when faced with dangers and threats, including military ones“, he emphasized, calling on Europe”Be firm and united in helping Ukraine» and his protectionPeace and security“.

want Further Moldova dismantles a group “planned by Moscow” to destabilize the country

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