More and more Chinese are leaving their country due to restrictions and “uncertainty”

A section of the elite tired of the Chinese authorities’ “Zero Govt” policy is moving to the United States or Europe. However, the implementation of these resettlement plans is complicated by the border restrictions imposed by the Chinese authorities.

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This is a new trend that has been emerging in China for months: the epidemic is causing more and more people, exhausted by the “zero govt” policy, to leave the country and look elsewhere for their fortunes. “I’m so depressed”This young employee from Shanghai sighed, he wanted to remain anonymous, and was jealous of European and American countries that decided to live with the virus unlike China. “I plan to go to Europe or the United States as soon as possible, maybe in a year. I’ll start the immigration process. It’s better to leave soon.”

>> Despite being limited, Shanghai is still subject to strong restrictions

Same feeling for the 25-year-old Shanghainis young man, who has already chosen his destination: Canada. “I was already planning to leave Shanghai and live in another city abroad. This epidemic is prompting me to implement the plan to move to Vancouver quickly. Here, I’m always worried. There are many uncertainties.”

This new phenomenon has been confirmed by Xiaomin Hu, a Seattle-based Chinese lawyer and immigration expert in the United States. Since March, it has not stopped. “My schedule is overShe says. These are Chinese clients who come to inquire about immigration opportunities. They are mostly business leaders and elites. Most of the demands come from Zhejiang Province, Shanghai and Beijing. “

Many but complex resettlement projects are yet to be implemented. The Chinese government is not in favor of it. Authorities are urging more Chinese people not to keep their passports at home and to drop them off at police stations so that no one can come out.

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