Moscow announced ‘massive strikes’ in response to the Ukrainian developments

Cover Image: The burning building in the town of Issyum in the Kharkiv region was taken over by the Ukrainian army a few days ago. September 13, 2022. Manual / AFP

  • Olaf Scholz spoke with Vladimir Putin He asked him “Full Withdrawal” Russian forces. The German leader has “He urged the Russian president to find a diplomatic solution as soon as possible”According to a statement from the President’s House.
  • America has called “Change of Pace” Dynamics of the Ukrainian Army Announces new military aid “in the next few days”. “I’ll let President Zelensky (…) decide whether he considers a breakthrough militarily, but clearly, at least in the Donbass (in eastern Ukraine), has speed”said John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, which is linked to US President Joe Biden.
  • The Ukrainian army captured almost 6,000 square kilometers Territory controlled by Russian forces. “Since the beginning of September, our soldiers have already liberated 6,000 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory in the east and south, and we are still making progress”Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video published on Monday, September 12 Facebook social network. Kiev army declares “Twenty Regions” In twenty-four hours.
  • “It’s too soon to tell exactly where all this will take us.”Infuriated the head of American diplomacy, Anthony BlinkenDuring a visit to Mexico City. “We are in the early days [de la contre-offensive], so I don’t think it’s good to predict exactly where all this will lead us. »
  • Ukrainian local authorities said Russian attacks on many of the country’s strategic infrastructuresstimulus Power outages In Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Dnipro and Sumy regions. “There is no military installation Touched, Mr. Zelensky said.
  • of “Thousands” People left the Kharkiv regionUkrainian counteroffensive theater to Russia within twenty-four hours, said Vyacheslav Klatkov, governor of Belgorod, a Russian region bordering Ukraine.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putinwarned Sunday against “Disastrous Effects” What can “Conventional Ukrainian Attacks” Zaporizhia nuclear power plant complex In a telephone interview with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron. replied the latter “Russian Aggression” was “Causation of Danger” It weighed in on Europe’s largest nuclear power plant and demanded the removal of all Russian weapons.
  • Ukrainian operator Energoatom announced that Shut down the last reactor still operating at the plant, produced electricity needed to cool nuclear fuel and provide site protection. The decision was taken after the power supply outside the plant was restored on Saturday evening.
  • The France And this Romania Going to sign, Monday, a Agreement to facilitate grain exports from Ukraine By land, Minister of Transport Clement Buon announced on Sunday in France Inter. These grains will go away “For food and almost survival reasons for Europe and developing countries, especially in the Mediterranean”The minister added.
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