Moscow announces withdrawal of part of troops, waiting for Western action

You missed recent events Tensions in Ukraine ? Do not panic, 20 minutes Updates you daily at 7:30 p.m. Who did what? Who said what? Where are we? Answer below:

News of the day

This Tuesday was a bit too much for meetings and discussions. Leading world leaders spent the day trying to find a way out of the tension. German Chancellor Olaf Scholes met with the President Vladimir Putin In person, the West and Russia pledged to continue working together.

In the afternoon, the President Emmanuel Macron Talked on the phone with Joe Biden. The two leaders ended the call by pointing out that they wanted to check the evolution of the situation on the Russian border. Russian diplomats Sergei Lavrov and American Anthony Blingen spoke on the phone on Tuesday, the tenth time since the conflict began.

In the absence of official statements that day, the White House announced that the US President would speak about Ukraine and Russia this afternoon at 9:30 p.m.

Sentence of the day

Do we want (a war) or not? Of course not

During his joint press conference with Olaf ScholesVladimir Putin has vowed not to engage in armed conflict with Ukraine. “That is why we put forward our proposals for the negotiation process,” the Russian president promised.

Number of days

1.2 billion euros. This is the new financial assistance provided by the European Union to Ukraine. Aid urgently received 598 votes in favor of the European Parliament (53 votes against, 43 abstentions).

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The trend of the day

At the beginning of the day, the He said the Kremlin had ordered a return to their garrisons Some sections are stationed near the Ukrainian border. A positive sign at the beginning of the expansion between the two countries … except that the West is currently showing great caution in this promise.

The leader of NATO announced. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also questioned Russia’s goodwill, citing “Russian field hospitals being built near the Ukrainian border in Belarus” and “more combat teams of battalions moving closer to the border.” Finally, on the side of German and French diplomats, we demanded that Russian announcements not be a window decoration. “Words are good”, actions are “even better”, thus launched Jean-Yves Le Drian In the Kremlin.

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