Political crisis in Italy: Could the Russians be behind the fall of the Draghi government?

An Italian newspaper reveals secret contacts between far-right leader Matteo Salvini and representatives of Russia.

Were the Russians behind the political crisis affecting Italy, it would have ended The resignation of former Prime Minister Mario Draghi and his government ? This is what the Italian media is implying La Stampa In an article published on Thursday, July 28. The newspaper reveals secret links between far-right leader Matteo Salvini’s party and representatives of Russia. Exchanges aimed at intervening in the now controversial Italian political crisis.

Salvini: “Russian Shadow Sulla Crisis? Noi alletti dei baci accidentali, ma non significa non vole anche puoni reporti con Putin”. Di Maio: “Il president della lega dev spiegare”. Leta: Rivelagioni worry, Meloni Aceta and Legisti con mosca? https://t.co/NjHftSWWJM

— LaStampa (@LaStampa) July 28, 2022

Mario Draghi’s government of national unity fell on 14 July Lega, Forza Italia (right) and 5 Star Movement (populists), when they refused to participate in the confidence vote in the parliament. According to the Turin newspaper, an ambassador at the Russian Embassy met with a close associate of Matteo Salvini, with whom he discussed the political situation in the country. Yet according to the daily, Moscow’s representative asked the following question: “Are your ministers ready to resign?”. It looks like this A call to overthrow the government.

Matteo Salvini in the viewfinder

A Russian dialogue before the political crisis, a government finally dissolved, all this while Matteo Salvini was preparing a trip to Moscow. pointed out, The far-right leader denies all the allegations. He condemns “stupidity” And “Fake News” to defame him during his election campaign for the early assembly elections.

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But all this is still just a hypothesis. The paper concluded that it was not known whether these findings were true. Despite everything, the daily relies on documents belonging to Italian intelligence.

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