Pollution record since April in France, restrictions are increasing in Europe

The flow against time continues. Number of pollutants Govit-19 Public health in France rose to 63,405 cases again on Tuesday, the highest number since April, according to data released on Tuesday. As of April 8, 84,999 new cases had been registered.

Hospitals continue to welcome new patients, with 1,662 new admissions (up from 1,505 on Monday) and 362 intensive care admissions, for a total of 2,792 patients. At least 158 ​​people were killed, up from 231 on Monday. In all, more than 120,800 people in France have died from Covid-19 since the outbreak began.

Vaccination continues to progress: 77.6% of the population received at least one dose, i.e. 52,349,285, 76.1% had a complete vaccination schedule and 15,893,348 received the booster dose since the campaign began in September. The vaccine for “at-risk” children is likely to develop into severe forms of Covit-19, which will begin on Wednesday and, no doubt, be generalized on a voluntary basis to everyone else in the coming days or weeks.

Controls across the channel due to the “wave wave”

The UK is facing a ‘tidal wave’, says Boris Johnson in related cases au variant Omicron, He tries to prevent with an unprecedented vaccine stimulant campaign. To prevent overcrowding in hospitals, Boris Johnson announced new restrictions: daily checks for contact cases, teleworking, wearing indoor masks and mandatory health passes at major events.

This last move was particularly criticized by representatives of the conservative majority who considered it liberal and detrimental to the economy, and was finally adopted by 369 votes to 126.

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A very mixed victory for the Prime Minister before the scale of the revolt of his camp: At least 97 elected officials voted against the move, more than the sixty initially planned, who had never been seen before by the Conservative leader.

Advanced school holidays in the Netherlands

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has announced that he will close elementary schools early before the Christmas holidays and extend the current health restrictions until January 14 due to the new Omicron variant. Schools will be closed from December 20, a week before the start of the Christmas holidays.

“It simply came to our notice then. But that is not surprising, ”he added. “We can not ignore the signal regarding the Omicron variant,” he continued. The government is extending the current health restrictions until January 14, including closing non-essential shops, bars and restaurants every day from 5pm to 5am.

“Unheard speed”, warns WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the Omigron variant is “spreading at a rate we have never seen before in any other way” and has called for the use of all anti-Govt tools to prevent systems from becoming unhealthy. The season is approaching.

In the medical field, encouraging news has come from Pfizer: the pharmaceutical company has confirmed that its anti-govit pill, when taken in the first days after the onset of symptoms, has reduced hospitalization and mortality by almost 90% for those at risk. In a study conducted in South Africa, it was estimated that the overall Pfizer vaccine against the Omigran variant is less effective, but still provides 70% protection against severe cases of the disease.

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