Russia reiterates that the drop in gas supplies is related to a technical problem, while the Europeans call it a “power game”.
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Hosted live by Solène L’Hénoret and Marie Pouzadoux

Cover Image: The Nord Stream gas pipeline to Europe has halved its flow this winter after reaching an agreement to reduce its gas consumption in a coordinated manner. Zhenya Savilov / AFP

  • The countries of the European Union managed on Tuesday, Gas consumption reduction agreement This winter, after a new sharp drop in Russian supplies, in order to reduce their dependence on Moscow. Russian gas giant Gazprom is set to halve its daily supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream gas pipeline starting today. Global stock markets fell on Tuesday, amid worries about the effects of gas supplies to Europe and inflation in Western economies amid corporate decisions.
  • The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has proposed the nomination Andriy KostinA deputy from the political party of the President, in office Attorney General of the country. Mr. Zelensky submitted A formal request to Parliament The Assembly must vote to confirm this appointment. He will replace Irina Venediktova. He was sacked as attorney general earlier this month.
  • Ukrainian offensive partially destroyed, Tuesday evening, the Antonovskiy bridge in the suburbs Gerson, the city occupied by Russian forces, occupation officials announced Wednesday. The Antonovsky Bridge is strategic for distribution, as it connects the city to the southern bank of the Dnieper and the rest of the Kherson region.
  • KharkovUkraine’s second city, located in the country’s northeast, was hit by a Russian rocket attack, the city’s mayor said. “At 4.25 am a shell was fired on the industrial district of Kharkiv [par] Two S-300 missiles. Rescue teams are engaged in clearing the debris. According to them, there is no casualty, but this is only preliminary information.Ihor Terekhov wrote that day telegram.
  • has BagmouthDonetsk Governor Pavlo Kyrilenko announced that Russian forces had targeted a hotel. “According to preliminary information, there are dead and injured, rescue operation is going on”Mr Kyrylenko said telegram.
  • The Russian economy has been less punished by sanctions than expected. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced on Tuesday. Russia’s gross domestic product is expected to shrink by 6% in 2022, the IMF predicted, far less than the 8.5% decline the agency had expected in its previous forecast released in April. On the other hand, the IMF notes that European countries have suffered more than expected.
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Read our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

encryptions. Twenty-seven agreed to cut their gas consumption by 15% in the face of Moscow’s threats.

evidences. “People want Russians killed by US weapons. It scares me. Because in these cases, we become like them:s Barbarians »

Grandstand. “The region on the border of Donbass, which is not mentioned much, is an important strategic issue”

true Reduction of Russian gas supplies: Westerners and Moscow blame each other

encryptions. Russian military aviation weakened by economic sanctions

narrative. The War in Ukraine: One Hundred and Fifty Days Later, the Strange Stagnation of the Russian Army

Maintenance. Andreas Kappel, Historian: “As long as the ‘little brother’ is obedient and loyal, the ‘big brother’ loves and protects him”

Map of the war in Ukraine, day by day

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