Russia says it repelled the attack near Solidar

The extension of the Ukrainian grain contract is nearing completion

The extension of the Ukrainian grain export agreement is nearing completion, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Agar said. Sent by his ministry on Friday. “We are moving towards the end of the extension of the grain deal”Mr. Hagar said this publicly on Friday during a speech on Thursday.

A meeting was held in the framework of negotiations on the extension of the agreement on Thursday in Istanbul with the participation of Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the United Nations. In addition to the extension of the contract, the resumption of operation of the Togliatti-Odessa pipeline for the supply of ammonia, an essential chemical component of mineral fertilizer, requested by Moscow, was discussed, according to a UN press release.

Turkey has managed since the beginning of the conflict to maintain relations with Ukraine and Russia. Ankara played a key role in the so-called Black Sea Treaty signed on July 22 by the UN, Ukraine, Russia and Turkey for a period of one hundred and twenty days.

Inauguration of this sea route on 1stR August helped export nearly 30 million tons of agricultural products from Ukraine to China, Turkey, the European Union, and weaker countries that depend heavily on imports from the Black Sea, such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Bangladesh. Yemen. The agreement helped alleviate a global food crisis caused by the war and was renewed for four months.

It expires on May 18 and Russia has not agreed to a third renewal. Condemning Russia’s continued use of the food, the US and UK jointly called for an extension of the deal on Tuesday. “like a weapon”. Russia condemns non-use of second agreement with Ukraine to allow exports of its own grain and fertilizer. Moscow complains that it is unable to sell its produce and its fertilizers because of Western sanctions, which particularly affect the financial and logistics sectors.

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Ukraine is one of the world’s leading grain producers.

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