Russia wants to renew the agreement on Ukrainian grain exports for only 60 days

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On Monday, March 13, Russia said it was in favor of renewing the agreement on Ukrainian grain exports, which expires on March 18, for 60 days, not 120 as it had been. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Verchinin made the announcement following talks in Geneva, Switzerland, with UN Humanitarian Affairs Officer Martin Griffiths and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Secretary-General Rebecca Grinzpan. Ukraine’s infrastructure minister said the Russian proposal contradicted the initial agreement signed in July.

Ukrainian forces talk of “violent fighting” for Baghmouth’s center Off “Tough Fight” Ukrainian ground forces commander Oleksandr Chirsky said they were working with Russian forces to enter the central Pakmut region in eastern Ukraine. “Attack Divisions [du groupe paramilitaire russe] “Wagner’s attack from several directions is trying to break through the defenses of our troops and advance towards the central areas.”He was quoted by the Military News Center on Monday. “The closer we are to the city center, the harder the fight.”Evgueni Prigojine, head of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner, was launched for his role.

The NGO Human Rights Watch condemns the “catastrophic” effects of war on orphans. According to her, “Thousands” would have been “forced conversion” to Russia or territories under Russian occupation. “Russia must come to an end [ces] Deportation”, the NGO said in a statement. And add: “The return of children illegally captured by Russian forces must be an international priority.”

The Ukrainian military vows to counterattack. “You need to save time” Continues to protect Bakhmout “It’s not too far to build up reserves and launch a counterattack.”Oleksandr Chirsky, commander of the Ukrainian ground forces, said on Sunday.

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