Russians enter Mariupol and bomb Mykolive, Ukrainian army opposes
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Hosted live by Jackie Goldberg

  • The Russian army entered on Friday, March 18th In the city of Mariupol, at least 300,000 people have been besieged For eighteen days. Street battles are taking place near the city center, with hundreds to 50 to 100 bombs being dropped daily on residential areas with hundreds of bombs and rockets.
  • The airstrikes on Mykolive were rapidDozens of soldiers were killed the previous day in an attack on army camps in a town in the south of the country, according to the region’s governor. Fewer than 200 soldiers were sleeping in the barracks.According to a soldier who was interviewed at the scene “At least 50 bodies were exhumed”.
  • Russian Ministry of Defense Earlier in the day, Kinzal announced on Saturday that it had used hypersonic missiles To destroy the underground arsenal in western Ukraine. Russia has previously said it used the missile during the two conflicts between Ukraine and Syria. These types of missiles, the most maneuverable, violate all anti-aircraft defense systems, according to Moscow. “Ukraine has unfortunately become a testing ground for the entire Russian missile arsenal.”Ukraine Air Force spokesman said.
  • War in Ukraine More than 3.3 million Ukrainians – 90% of women and children – forced to flee the country, According to the United Nations. About 6.5 million people are believed to have been internally displaced.
  • Chairman of the Russian delegation Talks to Kiev He announced on Friday that he had seen her. ” Reconciliation Levels of a question Ukraine is neutral and non-member of NATO For his part, there is the President of Ukraine He pleaded for serious discussion, In a sacred video, filmed at night in kyiv, deserted. ” It’s time to dump her and move on. It is time to discuss. It is time to restore regional unity and justice for Ukraine Says Volodymyr Zhelensky. “Otherwise, it will take generations for Russia to recover from the losses.”
  • Friday, US President, Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping concluded an hour and fifty minutes of interviews on Friday.. The United States said Thursday that China would retaliate “Support for the Russian Occupation”. Russia has abandoned a Security Council vote on a resolution on Thursday evening due to a lack of support from its closest allies.
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Read our articles, analysis and reports on the war in Ukraine:

Live March 18 Can be found here

Report. Like Mariupol, after the bombs, the tanks

To analyze. Biden seeks to avoid the common front of dictatorial regimes in favor of Russia

Your questions. “World” answers to frequently asked questions

To analyze. Russia is taking the first step towards default

History of a concept. Siege war, a weapon that threatens civilians

Chronic. “Countries looking to break with the Western alliance may want to have fewer reserves.”

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