Sony Retiring PS5 Feature Almost Nobody Knows About

The PlayStation 5 is floating in the air.

screenshot: Sony / YouTube / Kotaku

Sony has updated the file Important notifications page Today to tell PlayStation 5 users that the console’s Accolades feature, as of this fall, is “no longer supported,” noting that it “has not experienced the level of usage we expected.” Like most PS5 users, this was the first time I’d ever heard that the console had a built-in multiplayer feedback system.

Awards are a Feature on PlayStation 5 It allows players to praise other players for their performance in multiplayer matches. After finishing a match, players can send anonymous badges to others they want to identify for things like “help”, “hello” or “good sport”. You cannot spam them, or artificially inflate your groups of friends from default praise, as you are prevented from sending rewards to your friends or anyone you have previously praised in the past 12 hours.

The PlayStation 5 graph shows the various awards.

picture: Sony

Despite its plans to turn off this feature, Sony”[encourages] community to continue sending each other positive messages.” There is an excellent joke here about how players don’t like to praise each other in multiplayer games, but there’s a better explanation for why the decorations aren’t used enough: Not many people knew about them. Well advertised by Sony, many multiplayer games like Note and watch And the Final Fantasy XIV We already have embedded systems. Although the recent console maker Forays into enhancing the offering and capabilities of PlayStation games onlinePlayStation 5 is currently not the platform I associate with a satisfying online experience. If you want to raid FFXIVThis is my gaming pc.

But don’t worry, PlayStation owners: you’ll get plenty of PlayStation 5’s new social features thus. Just last Thursday, Sony announced that it would be opening a beta mode to test screen sharing, join-in-game notifications, and the ability to send stickers and voice messages. Some of them even look very elegant. I hope it is implemented in a way that allows me to remember that it exists.

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