The humanitarian situation in many cities is critical, and Russia continues its bombing campaign

Allegations of manipulation and misinformation at the UN between Westerners and Russians

UN The Security Council on Friday became the scene of allegations of misinformation and manipulation between the West and Russia.

Is in Ukraine “30 of the network Labs Where carried out “Most Dangerous Biological Experiments”, Confirmed by Russian Ambassador Vasily Nepensia. UN “No biological weapons program is known in Ukraine”Formerly UN Disarmament officer Izumi Nakamitsu announced, while ambassadors to Ukraine and the United States denied the Russian allegations.

Used to spell Moscow Security Council “A series of barbaric, completely unsubstantiated and irresponsible conspiracy theories”, Started by British Ambassador Barbara Woodward. Her US envoy, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, made it clear that her country’s assistance to Ukraine on biological grounds was aimed at diagnosing diseases such as Govt-19. Russia’s defense ministry and diplomat Sergei Lavrov made the allegations on Thursday.

In addition, Russia and Ukraine once again accused each other of lying about the maternity hospital in Mariupol, which was destroyed by a Russian bomb this week. Vassili Nebenzia, showing photos and confirming that she was not a pregnant woman shown in front of the building, confirmed otherwise by notifying her Ukrainian counterpart, Sergei Kislytsia Council. “Good News”, With the birth of a baby girl.

Our international service journalist, Fastin Vincent, a former Soviet camp expert, published his message:

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