The Israeli army admits a “serious error” after a strike killed seven members of an NGO

The Israeli military confirmed Wednesday, April 3 “serious error” After a strike in the Gaza Strip killed seven collaborators of the humanitarian NGO World Central Kitchen. This is “Grievous Mistake” WHO “shouldn't have happened”Israeli Chief of Staff Herzey Halevi agreed in a video “Bad Sign” Inside “Extremely Complicated Conditions”. Earlier in the day, Israeli President Isaac Herzog presented his prize “True Forgiveness” and his shares “deep sadness” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the strike “accidentally” And “Tragedy”. Follow our live stream.

Humanitarians targeted. The US-based NGO World Central Kitchen, a group of slain humanitarians, made the announcement “Cease its operations in the region” After Monday's strike in Deir al-Bala. It was the worst strike to hit international humanitarian workers since the war began.

International condemnations. US President Joe Biden said on Tuesday “unqualified” They believe that Israel is not protected “not enough” Volunteers to help the Palestinian people “Hungry”. “This is unacceptable. But this is an inevitable consequence of war.UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterated his call for an immediate ceasefire.

Assault by car. Four Israeli police officers were also wounded in an attack by a car at a checkpoint in Kochav Ya'ar in the center of the country, police said, noting the death of the attacker. He is 26 years old. “There is He tried to stab security agents, who neutralized him.”.

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