The James Webb Telescope captures surreal images of Jupiter’s aurora borealis

The James Webb Space Telescope team is still showing off its capture ability Detailed photos close to home. Web . interrupted Husband from near infrared Pictures Show the aurora borealis of Jupiter. You can also see the very faint rings of the planet and two of its smaller moons, Amalthea (the leftmost bright spot) and Adrastia (the point on the left edge of the central ring).

The images were taken using the NIRCam wide view on July 27. As for the Trippy visuals? Astronomers created composites using several images produced with filters set to multiple colors (particularly visible in the image below). The Great Red Spot and other cloud formations are white because they reflect large amounts of sunlight.

NASA, the European Space Agency and the Jupiter ERS team; Image manipulation by Judy Schmidt

The James Webb crew didn’t create these images just for bragging rights. The observations should provide more insights into Jupiter’s “inner life,” according to the European Space Agency. This, in turn, could help scientists understand the behavior of gas giants outside the solar system. In other words, web data could soon prove useful on multiple levels.

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See also  Webb Telescope shares new image after reaching optics landmark

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