The new MacBook Leak reveals Apple’s disappointing decision

Updated May 9: Article published May 6.

with apples Worldwide Developers Conference Approaching, it became clear what devices Tim Cook and his team will reveal to everyone to see the last dream. WWDC will focus on Apple’s mixed reality plans, its first headset, and its realityOS program.

A number of other product lines are expected to pick up new models, not least of which is the MacBook Air, as the consumer-focused macOS laptop finally offers a larger 15-inch display. This is excellent news, at least at first glance. Look deeper, and Tim Cook’s Apple made some disappointing decisions.

Update: On Monday, May 8, it’s becoming increasingly clear that a new MacBook Air is on the way, with the latest details about the macOS laptop highlighting Apple’s extensive storage efforts that usually precede product lunches. Oliver Salaam for iMore:

Now, a paywalled DigiTimes report… claims that Apple’s supply chain has begun stockpiling 15-inch MacBook Airs to make sure there’s enough to go around.

The question now is not is there enough stock, the question is whether this is the right time to invest in buying some M2 stock.

Update: Tuesday, May 9: Apple is also putting a lot of effort into the new MacBook Air to fuel the decline in sales of the MacBook line. Given the slow progression of updates since the mis-spec M1 processor was released in late 2020, those looking for a similar upgrade have already made the decision to buy. Apple hopes that the new consumer-focused 15-inch MacBook Air will find new consumers and bring them into the Apple cloud,

Michael Simon Captures Apple’s forecast details:

“Apple’s Mac sales fell 30 percent last quarter, and the 15-inch Air is expected to inject some steam into the line… Apple expects to sell more than 1 million new 15-inch Air models this quarter, which should give sales A much needed boost.

The question for these potential customers is whether Apple is offering enough in terms of hardware right now, or whether buying a macOS laptop now will cause buyers to regret next year.

First of all, it’s right to admit that there’s been a need for a larger consumer MacBook for some time. When there are countless options for Windows and Linux users, Apple has reserved the larger screens for its more powerful (and more expensive) MacBook Pro models. It’s nice to welcome Apple 2023 to a world it has decided to avoid for decades.

Unfortunately, I decided to do this with an Apple Silicon M2 chipset. This is launched at WWDC in 2022; Since Apple has already updated the M2 chipset, and has shown a penchant for updating the entire Mxx lineup, the specs on this 15-inch MacBook Air are a year behind and will likely be replaced pretty quickly. Buying a new MacBook is an expensive investment that should last for many years, even at the $999 entry level. Anyone who buys this new model is approaching the future already doing it a year ago.

Apple has been working on a slew of innovations for its MacBook lineup. Setting aside futuristic ideas of foldable screens that wrap around the screen or a non-moving keyboard with the ability to change the letters and numbers that can be seen on the keys, the near future sees new display technology with a move to more liveliness and power – efficient microLEDs, and the addition of a screen that works Touch for input, and support for further integration of iPad apps into macOS.

In a sense, the disappointment continues. The PC market has always enjoyed success with 15-inch tablets in the $999 to $1,499 price range, yet Apple has steadfastly refused to get sucked into that broad price bracket, reserving larger-screen devices for more powerful and more expensive laptops. While there will be widespread acclaim within Apple’s geekerati, there will also be disappointment that Apple has finally broken the size barrier with an outdated chipset and a design that will quickly be replaced.

However, that does mean you’ll likely be updating when the 15-inch MacBook Air arrives with its shiny new tech upgrades in eighteen months.

Well played, Apple.

Now read the latest Apple headlines in Forbes’ weekly Apple Loop news roundup.

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