The United States is preparing to provide an additional $ 40 billion to Ukraine

House of Representatives approves $ 40 billion Ukraine aid package

Following in the footsteps of Joe Biden for the Ukrainian crisis, the US House of Representatives approved a shocking envelope of 368 votes in favor of kyiv, 57 votes against – almost $ 40 billion (38 38 billion). The speech was supported by all-voting Democrats and almost three-quarters of Republicans. It must now be voted on in the Senate before it can be declared by the US President.

For weeks, Joe Biden has been calling for a $ 33 billion budget extension to support Ukraine against the Russian invasion. But on Monday evening, Democrat and Republican leaders agreed to find a compromise around a $ 40 billion envelope equivalent to Cameroon’s GDP by 2020 and move further.

“Through this aid program, the United States sends to the world our unwavering commitment to support the brave people of Ukraine until victory.” Against Moscow, Democratic Leader of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi underscored that the speech was accepted by elected officials from both camps.

“Our support is very much needed by the Ukrainian people.”Democrat Rosa Delaro, chair of the House allocation committee, said. “Vladimir Putin and his allies must be held accountable. The bill seeks to protect democracy, curb Russian aggression and strengthen our own national security. She justified.

“When China, Iran and North Korea see our response, we must show the world that the United States stands firm with its allies and will do what is necessary to protect our interests abroad.” Republican Kay Granger said.

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In detail, the law includes $ 6 billion to arm and train Ukrainian forces, $ 8.7 billion to replenish U.S. armaments and $ 3.9 billion for US troops stationed in the region. $ 8.8 billion in economic aid to Ukraine, $ 4 billion in funding for the purchase of weapons and equipment for Ukraine and its allies, and $ 900 million in housing. , Education and other assistance to Ukrainian refugees in the United States. The text provides $ 5 billion to address the global food shortages caused by the war, which has crippled the natural strong production of many Ukrainian crops.

If passed, the new law would bring US support to nearly $ 54 billion, including $ 13.6 billion in congressional support already signed into law in March.

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